Специфіка виховання поваги до дитини у студентської молоді
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Стаття присвячена проблемі виховання у майбутніх учителів поваги до дитини. Привертається увага до окремих психолого-педагогічних аспектів формування даної якості у студентів, теоретично обґрунтовується ціннісне ставлення до дитини як важливої умови вияву поваги до особистості дитини у взаєминах вихователя та вихованців, проаналізовано різні погляди науковців щодо поняття «Я-концепції» як психологічного механізму особистості майбутніх учителів, який впливає на їх взаємини з учнями. Окрім того, розглянуто сутність пізнавальної, ціннісно-смислової та поведінкової сфери особистості майбутніх учителів у контексті досліджуваної тематики; наголошується на необхідності формування у студентської молоді альтруїзму та рефлексії.
The results of research devoted to the problem of moral and ethical upbringing of student youth of pedagogical universities, including the upbringing of respect for the child in future teachers are presented in the article. It is underlined that in the present education of students the moral dimension takes primary importance, the purpose of which is to form the relevant qualities of personality, especially such meaningful and professionally necessary for future teachers as respect for the child. The attention is paid to some of psychological and pedagogical aspects of formation of this quality in students. The article presents a theoretical justification of value attitude to a child as an important condition of display of respect to personality of a child in relationship between the teacher and the pupils. It is recognized that respect for a child as a moral quality of personality is repeated many times and as a result is fixed in the system of moral consciousness. It is a habitual action, attitude that is objective and is based on value relation of teachers to children. The application of active approach to education is important in the process of upbringing respect for a child, because according to this application the moral and ethical rules and regulations absorbed by person actively in the activity like studing and communication with other people. The different views on the notion of «self-concept» as a psychological mechanism of personality, which affects relationships with other people, especially with the pupils are analyzed. Besides, the peculiarities and tumors of youthful age are revealed; it is considered the essence of cognitive, value-meaningful and behavioral spheres of future teachers’ personality in the context of the investigated topic that makes the article actual on the current stage of education development. Author pays attention to the need of development of altruism, reflection and other humanistic qualities of students’ personality. Relevant in the upbringing of future teachers the respect for a child is the formation of such psychological mechanism as empathy, because it involves sensitivity to a child, approval, effective support and charity. It is stressed that only a clear understanding of peculiarities and laws of psychological development of students’ personality is possible to construct an appropriate system of effective educational influences.
The results of research devoted to the problem of moral and ethical upbringing of student youth of pedagogical universities, including the upbringing of respect for the child in future teachers are presented in the article. It is underlined that in the present education of students the moral dimension takes primary importance, the purpose of which is to form the relevant qualities of personality, especially such meaningful and professionally necessary for future teachers as respect for the child. The attention is paid to some of psychological and pedagogical aspects of formation of this quality in students. The article presents a theoretical justification of value attitude to a child as an important condition of display of respect to personality of a child in relationship between the teacher and the pupils. It is recognized that respect for a child as a moral quality of personality is repeated many times and as a result is fixed in the system of moral consciousness. It is a habitual action, attitude that is objective and is based on value relation of teachers to children. The application of active approach to education is important in the process of upbringing respect for a child, because according to this application the moral and ethical rules and regulations absorbed by person actively in the activity like studing and communication with other people. The different views on the notion of «self-concept» as a psychological mechanism of personality, which affects relationships with other people, especially with the pupils are analyzed. Besides, the peculiarities and tumors of youthful age are revealed; it is considered the essence of cognitive, value-meaningful and behavioral spheres of future teachers’ personality in the context of the investigated topic that makes the article actual on the current stage of education development. Author pays attention to the need of development of altruism, reflection and other humanistic qualities of students’ personality. Relevant in the upbringing of future teachers the respect for a child is the formation of such psychological mechanism as empathy, because it involves sensitivity to a child, approval, effective support and charity. It is stressed that only a clear understanding of peculiarities and laws of psychological development of students’ personality is possible to construct an appropriate system of effective educational influences.
Ключові слова
виховання, моральні якості, повага до дитини, ціннісне ставлення, студенти, особливості юнацького віку, «Я-концепція», педагогічний університет, upbringing, moral qualities, respect for the child, value attitude, students, peculiarities of youth age, «Self-concept», pedagogical university
Бібліографічний опис
Павицька, К. М. Специфіка виховання поваги до дитини у студентської молоді [Текст] / К. М. Павицька // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 343–350.