Методологічні засади дослідження професійної орієнтації у сучасній освіті
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У статті аналізується емансипаторське значення професійної освіти, яка є не тільки підготовкою до самореалізації особистості у світі праці, а й важливим чинником формування особистості. Підкреслюється, що професійна орієнтація є діалектичною єдністю об’єктивного і суб’єктивного вимірів. Внутрішня потреба особистості в орієнтації є результатом її самопізнання і пізнання сучасного світу, що у свою чергу сприяє реалізації життєвих стратегій особистості, а також справляє зворотній вплив на зміст і організаційні форми професійної освіти. Зазначається, що сучасна професійна освіта та професійна орієнтація є відповіддю на запити й виклики, які надходять зі світу праці й життєвого світу особистості.
The existential significance of person’s professional self-realization has been revealed in the article. Based on Marxist and postmarksytsk philosophical anthropology emancipation importance of professional education, which is not only a preparation for person’s self-realization at sphere of work, but also an important factor of formation the individual, has been shown. It is noted that the professional education and ability to orient in space of profession are usually perceived as positive values and significant person’s achievements. The phenomenon of educational exclusion of professional activity in the community of risk has been analyzed and heuristic potential of conceptualization of professional orientation from the position of compensatory anthropology (M. Scheler, A. Gehlen, G. Plesner) according to which professional activity is one of means to overcome human deficiency has been disclosed. In this process professional orientation plays a significant role, which also has an anthropological basis (G. Moore). Professional orientation is a dialectical unity of subjective and objective measurements. An inner person’s need in orientation is the result of self-knowledge and cognition of society of risk, which in turn contributes to person’s life strategies realization and produces the opposite effect on the content and organizational forms of professional education. Also the argues that the anthropological and humanistic-oriented professional education, able to contribute to the modernization of society and its spiritual renewal important psychical maturity of a person. Also it has been noticed that for the anthropologically and humanistic-oriented professional education, able to contribute to the modernization of society and its spiritual renewal, person’s psychical maturity is important. Professional education should create conditions for achieving by pupils and students this state, because otherwise they might get professional education without ability to work in a team, adhere to discipline and technological requirements. It is shown that the consideration of professional education is important to consider its level, which offers career prospects – from skilled worker to a specialist with a wide range of professional, cultural and social competencies.
The existential significance of person’s professional self-realization has been revealed in the article. Based on Marxist and postmarksytsk philosophical anthropology emancipation importance of professional education, which is not only a preparation for person’s self-realization at sphere of work, but also an important factor of formation the individual, has been shown. It is noted that the professional education and ability to orient in space of profession are usually perceived as positive values and significant person’s achievements. The phenomenon of educational exclusion of professional activity in the community of risk has been analyzed and heuristic potential of conceptualization of professional orientation from the position of compensatory anthropology (M. Scheler, A. Gehlen, G. Plesner) according to which professional activity is one of means to overcome human deficiency has been disclosed. In this process professional orientation plays a significant role, which also has an anthropological basis (G. Moore). Professional orientation is a dialectical unity of subjective and objective measurements. An inner person’s need in orientation is the result of self-knowledge and cognition of society of risk, which in turn contributes to person’s life strategies realization and produces the opposite effect on the content and organizational forms of professional education. Also the argues that the anthropological and humanistic-oriented professional education, able to contribute to the modernization of society and its spiritual renewal important psychical maturity of a person. Also it has been noticed that for the anthropologically and humanistic-oriented professional education, able to contribute to the modernization of society and its spiritual renewal, person’s psychical maturity is important. Professional education should create conditions for achieving by pupils and students this state, because otherwise they might get professional education without ability to work in a team, adhere to discipline and technological requirements. It is shown that the consideration of professional education is important to consider its level, which offers career prospects – from skilled worker to a specialist with a wide range of professional, cultural and social competencies.
Ключові слова
професійна орієнтація, самореалізація особистості, світ праці, професійна освіта й виховання, професійне навчання, профорієнтаційна діяльність, безперервна освіта, інформаційне суспільство, суспільство знань, professional orientation, person self-realization, labor world, professional education, professional learning, professional orientation acting, continuous education, information society, society of knowledge
Бібліографічний опис
Дворніченко, Л. Л. Методологічні засади дослідження професійної орієнтації у сучасній освіті [Текст] / Л. Л. Дворніченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 180–189.