Проблема соціально-педагогічної підтримки вторинної соціалізації людей похилого віку
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У статті висвітлено проблему визначення поняття соціально-педагогічної підтримки, яку ми будемо розглядати як комплекс дій, різноманітних заходів, що забезпечують допомогу в подоланні перешкод (труднощів, проблем) на шляху до самостійного вибору, життєвого й екзистенційного самовизначення, самореалізації, а також сприяння особистості людини похилого віку в реалізації її життєвих планів, у саморозвитку, самопізнанні та самовдосконаленні. Вивчення даної проблеми стосується багатьох аспектів старіння та носить міждисциплінарний характер. У статті також надано структурно-компонентний аналіз соціально-педагогічної підтримки вторинної соціалізації людей похилого віку, а саме її соціальної, психологічної та педагогічної складових.
The problem of socio-pedagogical support of the elderly’s secondary socialization is a part of a broader scientific problem consisting in furthtering elderly people’s full-blown life in the society, which presupposes social assistance, protection, adaptation and development. This problem is obviously interdisciplinary and research of various sciences about the man is devoted to it. The problem of population’s rapid ageing, humanization of public consciousness regarding the elderly, strengthening of the State’s attention to the problems of elderly people gradually find their reflection in the development of research within the compatible sciences: philosophy, psychology, social gerontology, cultural studies, andragogìcs, sociology and social pedagogics. The phenomenon of socio-pedagogic support has been the subject of scientific interpretation for the last 50 years. The analysis of the scientific literature makes it possible to determine the concept of socio-pedagogical support of the elderly’s secondary socialization. We consider it as a set of actions and activities which assist in overcoming obstacles (difficulties, problems) on way to self-selection, vital and existential self-determination, self-actualization, as well as help elderly people in their life plans implementaion, self-development, self-awareness and self-perfection. The ideal objective of support is not to deliver the client from problems but from the need to seek help in order to enable him or her to solve arising difficulties independently. The objective of socio-pedagogical support of secondary socialization is realized through solving the following basic problems: social adaptation; social instruction and education; the development of autonomy, individuality and self-determination; realization of interests and needs; promotion of development and self-realization; social service. The structural-component analysis of socio-pedagogical support makes it possible to single out conditionally social, psychological and pedagogical components. The social component is related to the observance of social guarantees for the elderly provided by Ukrainian legislation. The psychological component includes psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis and psyhocorrection of the elderly people. The pedagogical component substantiates pedagogical conditions for adaptation, self-development, individualization, self-determination and self-realization of the elderly people.
The problem of socio-pedagogical support of the elderly’s secondary socialization is a part of a broader scientific problem consisting in furthtering elderly people’s full-blown life in the society, which presupposes social assistance, protection, adaptation and development. This problem is obviously interdisciplinary and research of various sciences about the man is devoted to it. The problem of population’s rapid ageing, humanization of public consciousness regarding the elderly, strengthening of the State’s attention to the problems of elderly people gradually find their reflection in the development of research within the compatible sciences: philosophy, psychology, social gerontology, cultural studies, andragogìcs, sociology and social pedagogics. The phenomenon of socio-pedagogic support has been the subject of scientific interpretation for the last 50 years. The analysis of the scientific literature makes it possible to determine the concept of socio-pedagogical support of the elderly’s secondary socialization. We consider it as a set of actions and activities which assist in overcoming obstacles (difficulties, problems) on way to self-selection, vital and existential self-determination, self-actualization, as well as help elderly people in their life plans implementaion, self-development, self-awareness and self-perfection. The ideal objective of support is not to deliver the client from problems but from the need to seek help in order to enable him or her to solve arising difficulties independently. The objective of socio-pedagogical support of secondary socialization is realized through solving the following basic problems: social adaptation; social instruction and education; the development of autonomy, individuality and self-determination; realization of interests and needs; promotion of development and self-realization; social service. The structural-component analysis of socio-pedagogical support makes it possible to single out conditionally social, psychological and pedagogical components. The social component is related to the observance of social guarantees for the elderly provided by Ukrainian legislation. The psychological component includes psychodiagnostics, psychoprophylaxis and psyhocorrection of the elderly people. The pedagogical component substantiates pedagogical conditions for adaptation, self-development, individualization, self-determination and self-realization of the elderly people.
Ключові слова
вторинна соціалізація, похилий вік, структурно-компонентний аналіз, соціально-педагогічна підтримка: мета, завдання та її соціальна, психологічна й педагогічна складові, secondary socialization, elderly age, structural-component analysis, socio-pedagogical support; an objective, a task, social, psychological and pedagogical components
Бібліографічний опис
Ліфарєва, Н. В. Проблема соціально-педагогічної підтримки вторинної соціалізації людей похилого віку [Текст] / Н. В. Ліфарєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 318–327.