Нарушения поведения умственно отсталых подростков и методы их коррекции

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В статье изложены основные причины и особенности нарушений в поведении умственно отсталых подростков, проанализированы интегративные личностные образования, которые определяют произвольное поведение. Рассмотрены основные классификации нарушенного поведения, описана клинико-психологическая структура отклоняющегося от нормы поведения, дано определение девиантного, делинквентного, криминального поведения. Описаны специфические (упражнения и наказания) и неспецифические методы коррекции нарушенного поведения (методы изменения деятельности подростков; методы изменения отношений; методы изменения компонентов образовательно-воспитательной системы). Намечены пути дальнейшего исследования особенностей поведения умственно отсталых подростков.
The article presents the main features and causes disturbances in the behavior of mentally retarded adolescents and gives an integrative analysis of personality formation which defines the behavior. The main task of the special psychology is social adaptation of children with mental and physical disabilities. Without educational and correctional work mentally retarded children often fall under the influence of various antisocial gangs, where they become someone else’s goals performers. This children category learn the rules of morality from teachers, parents, but may not always act in accordance with these rules or to use them in a particular situation, in connection with their usual undeveloped thinking. It is therefore very important to study variations in the behavior of mentally retarded children and adolescents, the types of data breaches, and improving methods of their correction. The basic classification of behavioral disorders, the clinical and psychological structure abnormalities of behavior are described, the definitions of deviant, delinquent, criminal behavior are given. The author describes the specific and non-specific methods of correction of impaired behavior. Different methods can be used to correct disturbed adolescent behavior, which are combined into two groups: specific and nonspecific methods for correcting deviant behavior. The author describes the specific methods including exercise and punishment. Exercise is a method of correcting behavior, where there are special situations in which the child is participating in exercising the right, socially acceptable behavior. Punishment is a way to fix unwanted behavior by creating a situation of «no comfort» which is used as sparingly as possible, if it is clearly appropriate. It is used if a negative action has already been committed and cannot «undo» if bad behavior has not yet become a habit. Punishment should not be perceived by the child as revenge or outrage. Each sentence must be strictly individualized. Non-specific correction methods are divided into three groups: 1) methods to change children’s activities; 2) methods to change attitudes; 3) methods of altering the components of educational-system. The ways of further investigation of the behavior of mentally retarded adolescents are defined.
Ключові слова
девиантное поведение, умственная отсталость, психическая декомпенсация, deviant behavior, mental retardation, mental decompensation
Бібліографічний опис
Быстров, А. Е. Нарушения поведения умственно отсталых подростков и методы их коррекции [Текст] / А. Е. Быстров // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 413–421.