Сутність поняття "Енокультура вчителя музичного мистецтва» в міждисциплінарному науковому дискурсі"
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Стаття присвячена визначенню сутності поняття «етнокультура вчителя музичного мистецтва», що є актуальним для сучасної музично- педагогічної освіти України. Мета праці - теоретичне обґрунтування поняття «етнічнокультура вчителя музичного мистецтва» на засадах міждисциплінарного наукового дискурсу. Для досягнення мети застосовано феноменологічний, діалектичний міждисициплінарнии, етнокультурологічнии та логіко-понятійний наукові методи пізнання. За результатами дослідження надано теоретичне обґрунтування дефініції «етнокультура вчителя музичного мистецтва», що має теоретичне і практичне значення для визначення структури зазначеного явища й обґрунтування методики його формування.
The article is dedicated to defining the meaning of the concept in ethnoculture of musical art teachers.It is also actual for modern music and pedagogical education in Ukraine. The aim of the work is theoretical substantiation of the concept of "ethnic culture in a music teacher" on the basis of interdisciplinary scientific discourse. Phenomenological, dialectical interdisciplinary, ethnocultural and logical-conceptual scientific methods of cognition were used to achieve the goal. Hence, there have been changes in the concepts of cultural knowledge: in the twentieth century: theological, dialogical, historical and cultural concepts; in the XXI century: spiritual, value, ethnosociological concepts in defining the meaning of the concept of "culture" over the past century. It is emphasized that "ethnicity" is a community that has a common origin, language, beliefs, culture, territory, and "ethnic" is also a manifestation of natural and cultural characteristics in formation of a nation, there lived those historical human communities. They had their own ethnic component - tribes, nationalities and nations. So ethnopedagogical culture of the teacher is interpreted as a systematic, personal and professional entity, it is manifested in the formation of ethnic culture in students, that includes the values of folk pedagogy of a particular ethnic group, ethnopedagogical competence. The study provided a theoretical basis for the concept of "ethnocultural teacher of musical art as a dynamic, systematic personal and professional entity, that is also a set of interrelated worldview values of historical, cultural, life, music and folk traditions of a particular ethnic society, other ethnic groups and ethnocultural, ethnopedagogical and music-folk knowledge, applied skills and abilities in music-pedagogical activity". The study has theoretical and practical significance for determining the structure of this phenomenon and testing the efficiency of the methods in this formation.
The article is dedicated to defining the meaning of the concept in ethnoculture of musical art teachers.It is also actual for modern music and pedagogical education in Ukraine. The aim of the work is theoretical substantiation of the concept of "ethnic culture in a music teacher" on the basis of interdisciplinary scientific discourse. Phenomenological, dialectical interdisciplinary, ethnocultural and logical-conceptual scientific methods of cognition were used to achieve the goal. Hence, there have been changes in the concepts of cultural knowledge: in the twentieth century: theological, dialogical, historical and cultural concepts; in the XXI century: spiritual, value, ethnosociological concepts in defining the meaning of the concept of "culture" over the past century. It is emphasized that "ethnicity" is a community that has a common origin, language, beliefs, culture, territory, and "ethnic" is also a manifestation of natural and cultural characteristics in formation of a nation, there lived those historical human communities. They had their own ethnic component - tribes, nationalities and nations. So ethnopedagogical culture of the teacher is interpreted as a systematic, personal and professional entity, it is manifested in the formation of ethnic culture in students, that includes the values of folk pedagogy of a particular ethnic group, ethnopedagogical competence. The study provided a theoretical basis for the concept of "ethnocultural teacher of musical art as a dynamic, systematic personal and professional entity, that is also a set of interrelated worldview values of historical, cultural, life, music and folk traditions of a particular ethnic society, other ethnic groups and ethnocultural, ethnopedagogical and music-folk knowledge, applied skills and abilities in music-pedagogical activity". The study has theoretical and practical significance for determining the structure of this phenomenon and testing the efficiency of the methods in this formation.
Ключові слова
етнос, етнічне, культура, культура особистості, етнокультурна компетентність, етнокультурна підготовка, етнокультура, етнокультура особистості, етнопедагогічна культура, учитель музичного мистецтва, ethnos, ethnic, culture, culture of personality, ethnocultural competence, ethnocultural training, ethnoculture, ethnoculture of personality, ethnopedagogical culture, teacher of musical art
Бібліографічний опис
Овчаренко Н. Сутність поняття «Енокультура вчителя музичного мистецтва» в міждисциплінарному науковому дискурсі [Текст] / А. Овчаренко, Я. Чістікова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2022. – № 2 (116). – С. 285–300. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2022.02/285-300