Педагогічно-творча діяльність Артемія Веделя у вокальних класах Харківського колегіуму наприкінці XVIII століття
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У статті розглядається педагогічно-творча діяльність А. Л. Веделя як складова української духовної хорової спадщини ХVІІІ ст. Розглянуто основні етапи педагогічної діяльності видатного українського диригента й композитора кінця ХVІІІ ст. та формування філософської думки того часу. Простежується взаємозв’язок композиторської та педагогічної діяльності в Харківський період життя композитора. Матеріали статті мають практичне значення в навчальному процесі спеціальності «Музичне мистецтво» при вивченні предметів диригентсько-хорового циклу.
Recently the attention to spirituality in all the spheres of public life, in culture, in music art has expanded. This is particularly true in the case of spiritual choral heritage. The performances of the choirs of such direction attract listeners of different towns in our country and abroad. At the end of the XVIII century musical creativity of regents and composers was closely connected with their teaching. The main centers of education at the time were religious collegiums, colleges, academies. An outstanding teacher, educator, musician A.Vedel lived and worked in the last third of the XVIII century. That period was associated with the national-cultural enslavement of Ukrainian people. He got general and serious musical education at the Kiev Academy, where he opened a wonderful voice – a rare tenor range, flexibility and beauty. А.Vedel’s participation in large student choir as a singer-soloist, then regent contributed to a thorough knowledge of all his repertoire. With great success he led the choir academy, the head of which he was appointed is the philosophical class. The choir always sang during the solemn worship church mass, so all church hymns were known to each of its members. In addition to the choir of singers who enjoyed great respect among the audience, there was also a student orchestra, in which A. Vedel was a first violin soloist. Teaching, life and work of A.Vedel have been little studied yet. In the twentieth century were published scientific articles about musical creativity of the teacher and his life. The ideas and work of this talented man on the field of education and training are almost uncovered. Among the research on the life and works of famous Ukrainian composer of the XVIII century stands out the monograph I. Sonevytskiy’s “Artem Vedel and his musical heritage”, which was published in New York in 1966. The author created a solid source base for their research, managing to obtain material for a biography of the composer, almost complete collection of artist’s works. A. L. Vedel’s activities and musical creativity were connected with major centers of cultural life: Kiev, Moscow, Kharkov, and had a significant influence on the musical and educational thought at the time. The composer taught music and singing in the vocal class of Kharkov Collegium. As a teacher, he devoted all his strength to training and education of boys. After two years of his stay in Kharkiv the artist left a great musical heritage. His works are now performed in the temples of the city. Outstanding choirs of Slobozhanshchina with great success perform his works at their concerts.
Recently the attention to spirituality in all the spheres of public life, in culture, in music art has expanded. This is particularly true in the case of spiritual choral heritage. The performances of the choirs of such direction attract listeners of different towns in our country and abroad. At the end of the XVIII century musical creativity of regents and composers was closely connected with their teaching. The main centers of education at the time were religious collegiums, colleges, academies. An outstanding teacher, educator, musician A.Vedel lived and worked in the last third of the XVIII century. That period was associated with the national-cultural enslavement of Ukrainian people. He got general and serious musical education at the Kiev Academy, where he opened a wonderful voice – a rare tenor range, flexibility and beauty. А.Vedel’s participation in large student choir as a singer-soloist, then regent contributed to a thorough knowledge of all his repertoire. With great success he led the choir academy, the head of which he was appointed is the philosophical class. The choir always sang during the solemn worship church mass, so all church hymns were known to each of its members. In addition to the choir of singers who enjoyed great respect among the audience, there was also a student orchestra, in which A. Vedel was a first violin soloist. Teaching, life and work of A.Vedel have been little studied yet. In the twentieth century were published scientific articles about musical creativity of the teacher and his life. The ideas and work of this talented man on the field of education and training are almost uncovered. Among the research on the life and works of famous Ukrainian composer of the XVIII century stands out the monograph I. Sonevytskiy’s “Artem Vedel and his musical heritage”, which was published in New York in 1966. The author created a solid source base for their research, managing to obtain material for a biography of the composer, almost complete collection of artist’s works. A. L. Vedel’s activities and musical creativity were connected with major centers of cultural life: Kiev, Moscow, Kharkov, and had a significant influence on the musical and educational thought at the time. The composer taught music and singing in the vocal class of Kharkov Collegium. As a teacher, he devoted all his strength to training and education of boys. After two years of his stay in Kharkiv the artist left a great musical heritage. His works are now performed in the temples of the city. Outstanding choirs of Slobozhanshchina with great success perform his works at their concerts.
Ключові слова
музичне мистецтво, хорова духовна музика, духовні концерти, вокальні класи, music, choral spiritual music, spiritual concerts, vocal classes
Бібліографічний опис
Парфентьєва, І. П. Педагогічно-творча діяльність Артемія Веделя у вокальних класах Харківського колегіуму наприкінці XVIII століття [Текст] / І. П. Парфентьєва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 369–374.