Методи і прийоми стимулювання суб’єктивної зацікавленості учнів молодших класів до розвитку творчих здібностей у ліцеях мистецтв
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Проаналізовано методи, прийоми, форми стимулювання суб’єктивної зацікавленості учнів молодших класів до розвитку творчих здібностей у ліцеях мистецтв. Розкрито психолого-педагогічні основи стимулювання ціннісного ставлення учнів молодших класів до різних видів мистецтва, ліцею мистецтв, мистецької діяльності, власного (фізичного, психічного) «Я», творчої
мистецької діяльності. Систематизовано методи і прийоми стимулювання, які розглядаються через зміст його реалізації у формах індивідуальної, групової та колективної творчості.
In the article the methods, techniques and forms of stimulation of subjective junior pupils’ interest to the development of creative abilities of the lyceum of arts are analyzed. The psychological and pedagogical foundations of encouraging of the value-based attitude of the junior pupils to different kinds of art, the lyceum of arts, artistic activity, own (physical, psychological) «I», creative artistic activity are revealed. The methods and techniques of stimulation which are considered through the content of their implementation in the forms of individual, group and collective creativity are systematized. Stimulation is considered to be the increase of the motive, the psychological impact from the outside on the motivational process, education of the positive attitude of the junior pupils to the creative artistic activity. The theoretical basis of stimulation of the junior pupils also have the provisions of personality oriented approach about necessity of development of younger schoolchildren an internal plan of action, reflection, intellectualization, with the help of which pupils become the subjects of educational activity, behavior and communication. The first task in the implementation of the basic experiment was chosen to stimulate the value-based attitude of the junior pupils to art, the lyceum of arts, artistic activity. It was assumed that the pupils of the second class have independently discovered special abilities in various kinds of artistic activities (dance, music, art, theatre), have emotional experience for all types of art. The acquisition of pupils of elementary grades of positive emotional impressions about the art was facilitated by the artistic and thematic concerts, school festivals. The second task of the experiment was to encourage value-based attitude of the junior pupils from accessing his own «I», which involved the awareness of himself as a subject of development of special and creative abilities. Take into account the provisions of pedagogic psychology of diverse manifestation of valuable relation of personality to himself. First at the lessons of choreography, theatrical and musical art the positive attitude to their own physical «I» was stimulated. Then the lectures about the correctness of the positive assessment by the child of the appearance, shape, posture are held.
In the article the methods, techniques and forms of stimulation of subjective junior pupils’ interest to the development of creative abilities of the lyceum of arts are analyzed. The psychological and pedagogical foundations of encouraging of the value-based attitude of the junior pupils to different kinds of art, the lyceum of arts, artistic activity, own (physical, psychological) «I», creative artistic activity are revealed. The methods and techniques of stimulation which are considered through the content of their implementation in the forms of individual, group and collective creativity are systematized. Stimulation is considered to be the increase of the motive, the psychological impact from the outside on the motivational process, education of the positive attitude of the junior pupils to the creative artistic activity. The theoretical basis of stimulation of the junior pupils also have the provisions of personality oriented approach about necessity of development of younger schoolchildren an internal plan of action, reflection, intellectualization, with the help of which pupils become the subjects of educational activity, behavior and communication. The first task in the implementation of the basic experiment was chosen to stimulate the value-based attitude of the junior pupils to art, the lyceum of arts, artistic activity. It was assumed that the pupils of the second class have independently discovered special abilities in various kinds of artistic activities (dance, music, art, theatre), have emotional experience for all types of art. The acquisition of pupils of elementary grades of positive emotional impressions about the art was facilitated by the artistic and thematic concerts, school festivals. The second task of the experiment was to encourage value-based attitude of the junior pupils from accessing his own «I», which involved the awareness of himself as a subject of development of special and creative abilities. Take into account the provisions of pedagogic psychology of diverse manifestation of valuable relation of personality to himself. First at the lessons of choreography, theatrical and musical art the positive attitude to their own physical «I» was stimulated. Then the lectures about the correctness of the positive assessment by the child of the appearance, shape, posture are held.
Ключові слова
творчі здібності, стимулювання, суб’єктивна зацікавленість, ціннісне ставлення, creative abilities, stimulation, subjective interest, value attitude
Бібліографічний опис
Радієвська, А. А. Методи і прийоми стимулювання суб’єктивної зацікавленості учнів молодших класів до розвитку творчих здібностей у ліцеях мистецтв [Текст] / А. А. Радієвська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №7 (33). – С. 342–349.