Запровадження систем менеджменту якості в управлінні персоналом
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СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка
Стаття присвячена запровадженню систем менеджменту якості в управлінні персоналом, оскільки керівництво організаціями в усьому світі усвідомлює важливість впровадження ефективних систем управління якістю. Метою дослідження є оцінити результати впровадження системи управління якістю в контексті управління персоналом. Завданнями дослідження є: обговорення поняття множинності якості, аналіз особливостей управління якістю, виявлення зміни в управлінні персоналом після впровадження систем управління якістю. З’ясовано, що система управління якістю орієнтована на цілі, сформульовані у світлі потреб не тільки клієнтів, але й працівників, оскільки система управління якістю впливає на всі елементи управління персоналом.
The article is devoted to the implementation of quality management systems in personnel management, as the management of organizations around the world is aware of the importance of implementing effective quality management systems. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the results of the implementation of the quality management system in the context of personnel management. The tasks of the research are: discussion of the concept of multiplicity of quality, analysis of quality management features, identification of changes in personnel management after the implementation of quality management systems. Compared to other European countries, the implementation and adaptation of quality management systems in Ukraine is a relatively new and innovative field, as only a small number of organizations have implemented them. In addition, total quality management in business environment is perceived too narrowly and is quite often associated with obtaining a certificate. Organizations that have already implemented quality management systems have already realized the crucial role of personnel management, implementing the principles of total quality management. It is an indisputable truth that the strategy of the organization and the principles of personnel management are closely related. Therefore, the issue of introducing quality management systems in personnel management and adapting quality management systems in Ukraine arises. Note that the participation of organization’s personnel in the process of implementing quality management systems is the most important component of overall quality management. The success of organization is based on the work of all levels of personnel, so their involvement in joint activities allows using the abilities of all employees for the benefit of whole organization. Particular attention is paid to the human needs, psychological climate, and corporate culture as powerful force affecting labor productivity. It was found that the quality management system is oriented towards goals formulated in the light of the needs of not only customers, but also employees, since the quality management system affects all elements of personnel management.
The article is devoted to the implementation of quality management systems in personnel management, as the management of organizations around the world is aware of the importance of implementing effective quality management systems. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the results of the implementation of the quality management system in the context of personnel management. The tasks of the research are: discussion of the concept of multiplicity of quality, analysis of quality management features, identification of changes in personnel management after the implementation of quality management systems. Compared to other European countries, the implementation and adaptation of quality management systems in Ukraine is a relatively new and innovative field, as only a small number of organizations have implemented them. In addition, total quality management in business environment is perceived too narrowly and is quite often associated with obtaining a certificate. Organizations that have already implemented quality management systems have already realized the crucial role of personnel management, implementing the principles of total quality management. It is an indisputable truth that the strategy of the organization and the principles of personnel management are closely related. Therefore, the issue of introducing quality management systems in personnel management and adapting quality management systems in Ukraine arises. Note that the participation of organization’s personnel in the process of implementing quality management systems is the most important component of overall quality management. The success of organization is based on the work of all levels of personnel, so their involvement in joint activities allows using the abilities of all employees for the benefit of whole organization. Particular attention is paid to the human needs, psychological climate, and corporate culture as powerful force affecting labor productivity. It was found that the quality management system is oriented towards goals formulated in the light of the needs of not only customers, but also employees, since the quality management system affects all elements of personnel management.
Ключові слова
системи управління якістю, управління персоналом, кадрова політика, стратегія організації, quality management systems, personnel management, personnel policy, organization strategy
Бібліографічний опис
Грицай С. Запровадження систем менеджменту якості в управлінні персоналом [Текст] / С. Грицай, С. Кода // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2024. – № 5 (139). – С. 197–208. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2024.05/197‐208