Проблема мовної підготовки іноземних громадян на підготовчих відділеннях університетів у вітчизняній науковій думці
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано дослідження вітчизняних учених щодо мовної підготовки іноземних слухачів на підготовчих відділеннях. Визначено, що в наукових розвідках зазначена проблема аналізуються в декількох аспектах: історико-педагогічному, порівняльно-педагогічному, адаптологічному, професійно-педагогічному, методичному.
According to Ukrainian legislation, the process of training foreign students is the main direction of foreign economic activity of universities. Foreign students should receive language training for admission to higher education institutions. During learning a foreign language, they must acquire the level of linguistic competence that will allow them to use a foreign language in their professional activities. The article analyzes the studies of Ukrainian scholars, which highlight the peculiarities of the language training of foreign students at preparatory departments. Scientific research shows that this problem is analyzed in the following aspects: historical-pedagogical, comparative-pedagogical, adaptological, profession-pedagogical, methodological. In the historical-pedagogical context, scientists argue that training of foreign students in Ukraine has been implemented since 1946. Until 1991, she was characterized by excessive ideologization, which adversely affected the quality of the educational process. In the comparative-pedagogical context, researchers explore the peculiarities of internationalization in the Ukrainian and world educational space. The cultural-educational aspect we have identified on the basis of research by scientists on adaptation to a new culture, adaptation to the educational process. We identified the adaptological aspect. Scientists note that the process of adaptation of foreign students is carried out throughout the period of study at a higher school, but it is especially difficult in the first year at the preparatory department. A prerequisite for the qualitative assimilation of knowledge from general scientific disciplines by representatives from different regions of the world at the preparatory department is consideration of mentality, psychological state and other peculiarities of their national consciousness. In the context of the methodological aspect, scientists are considering the peculiarities of studying Ukrainian or Russian language, depending on the nationality of foreign students. In the context of the didactic aspect, scientists are paying attention to the need to establish an integrative relationship between teachers of language training and teachers of specialist disciplines. Consequently, we can assert that in Ukrainian science there is a large number of studies devoted to a separate aspect of the language training of foreign students. Instead, there is no comprehensive study of this problem that requires further scientific research.
According to Ukrainian legislation, the process of training foreign students is the main direction of foreign economic activity of universities. Foreign students should receive language training for admission to higher education institutions. During learning a foreign language, they must acquire the level of linguistic competence that will allow them to use a foreign language in their professional activities. The article analyzes the studies of Ukrainian scholars, which highlight the peculiarities of the language training of foreign students at preparatory departments. Scientific research shows that this problem is analyzed in the following aspects: historical-pedagogical, comparative-pedagogical, adaptological, profession-pedagogical, methodological. In the historical-pedagogical context, scientists argue that training of foreign students in Ukraine has been implemented since 1946. Until 1991, she was characterized by excessive ideologization, which adversely affected the quality of the educational process. In the comparative-pedagogical context, researchers explore the peculiarities of internationalization in the Ukrainian and world educational space. The cultural-educational aspect we have identified on the basis of research by scientists on adaptation to a new culture, adaptation to the educational process. We identified the adaptological aspect. Scientists note that the process of adaptation of foreign students is carried out throughout the period of study at a higher school, but it is especially difficult in the first year at the preparatory department. A prerequisite for the qualitative assimilation of knowledge from general scientific disciplines by representatives from different regions of the world at the preparatory department is consideration of mentality, psychological state and other peculiarities of their national consciousness. In the context of the methodological aspect, scientists are considering the peculiarities of studying Ukrainian or Russian language, depending on the nationality of foreign students. In the context of the didactic aspect, scientists are paying attention to the need to establish an integrative relationship between teachers of language training and teachers of specialist disciplines. Consequently, we can assert that in Ukrainian science there is a large number of studies devoted to a separate aspect of the language training of foreign students. Instead, there is no comprehensive study of this problem that requires further scientific research.
Ключові слова
мовна підготовка, інтернаціоналізація освіти, іноземні студенти, іноземні слухачі, адаптація, language training, internationalization of education, foreign students, foreign listeners, adaptation
Бібліографічний опис
Лаврик, М. Проблема мовної підготовки іноземних громадян на підготовчих відділеннях університетів у вітчизняній науковій думці [Текст] / М. Лаврик // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 4 (88). – С. 63–76.