Типи агресивної поведінки дітей із розумовою відсталістю
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У статті розглянуто основні типи агресивної поведінки в дітей із легким і помірним ступенем розумової відсталості, які були виведені експериментальним шляхом, опираючись на дані власного дослідження під час проведення факторного аналізу. У результаті проведеного аналізу було виділено чотири типи поведінки: особистісно-дезадаптаційний тип, що проявляється у формі прямої реактивної агресії часто захисного характеру; демонстративно-ворожий тип, що найчастіше проявляється у формі прямої реактивної чи спонтанної агресії вербального характеру; активно-директивний тип, що проявляється у формі прямої реактивної агресії фізичного характеру, та спонтанно-комунікативний тип, що проявляється у формі спонтанної прямої чи непрямої агресії вербального характеру.
The article describes the main types of aggressive behavior in children with mild to moderate mental retardation. The author has determined the types of aggressive responses specific to children with mental retardation. The personality-disaddaptive type of aggression is manifested in the form of direct aggression often of protective nature. The main factors that influence the expression and the formation of this type of aggression are distinguished. They are the experience of depression, fear, dependence, high levels of anxiety; nature deviation of the parents; rejection of the psychological, physical and intellectual characteristics of the child; the insufficient level requirements of the child. The expressive-type enemy aggression manifests itself in the form of direct or reactive aggression spontaneous verbal nature. The main factors that determine the manifestations of this type of aggressive behavior are: hostility to children and adults, emotional stress; show off; exhaustion; impulsivity; protection from others with fear and anxiety; emphasize the presence of obstacles in situations of frustration; hyperprotectivety and the lack of requirements for the child in the family; an instability style education. The active-prescriptive type of aggression is manifested in the form of direct physical aggression reactive nature. The author has determined the factors that cause this type of aggressive reactions in children with mental retardation, the problems and difficulties in communication; the commitment to the protection of any levels and in every situation; an active denial of guilt for the act and the construction of their own responsibility to a minimum in the situations of frustration; impulsivity; predisposition to antisocial behavior manifestations; ignoring the needs of the child by the parents and redundancy sanctions and prohibitions concerning a child in the family. The spontaneously communicative aggression manifests itself in the form of spontaneous direct or indirect aggression verbal nature. The factors that influence the expression and formation of this type of aggression include: the protection from others with suspicion; restlessness; introvertancy; the elevated levels of anxiety; the problems and difficulties in communication; conflict; distrust of the people, the situations; violation parent relationships; deviations character of most parents.
The article describes the main types of aggressive behavior in children with mild to moderate mental retardation. The author has determined the types of aggressive responses specific to children with mental retardation. The personality-disaddaptive type of aggression is manifested in the form of direct aggression often of protective nature. The main factors that influence the expression and the formation of this type of aggression are distinguished. They are the experience of depression, fear, dependence, high levels of anxiety; nature deviation of the parents; rejection of the psychological, physical and intellectual characteristics of the child; the insufficient level requirements of the child. The expressive-type enemy aggression manifests itself in the form of direct or reactive aggression spontaneous verbal nature. The main factors that determine the manifestations of this type of aggressive behavior are: hostility to children and adults, emotional stress; show off; exhaustion; impulsivity; protection from others with fear and anxiety; emphasize the presence of obstacles in situations of frustration; hyperprotectivety and the lack of requirements for the child in the family; an instability style education. The active-prescriptive type of aggression is manifested in the form of direct physical aggression reactive nature. The author has determined the factors that cause this type of aggressive reactions in children with mental retardation, the problems and difficulties in communication; the commitment to the protection of any levels and in every situation; an active denial of guilt for the act and the construction of their own responsibility to a minimum in the situations of frustration; impulsivity; predisposition to antisocial behavior manifestations; ignoring the needs of the child by the parents and redundancy sanctions and prohibitions concerning a child in the family. The spontaneously communicative aggression manifests itself in the form of spontaneous direct or indirect aggression verbal nature. The factors that influence the expression and formation of this type of aggression include: the protection from others with suspicion; restlessness; introvertancy; the elevated levels of anxiety; the problems and difficulties in communication; conflict; distrust of the people, the situations; violation parent relationships; deviations character of most parents.
Ключові слова
агресивна поведінка, легка розумова відсталість, помірна розумова відсталість, типи агресивної поведінки, факторний аналіз, особистісно-дезадаптаційний тип, демонстративно-ворожий, активно-директивний тип, спонтанно-комунікативний тип, aggressive behavior, light mental retardation, mild mental retardation, types of aggressive behavior, factor analysis, personality-type of disadaptation, defiantly hostile, active and directive type, spontaneously-communicative type
Бібліографічний опис
Руденко, Л. М. Типи агресивної поведінки дітей із розумовою відсталістю [Текст] / Л. М. Руденко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 1 (45). – С. 66–77.