Конкурентні сили як фактор зміцнення економічної безпеки підприємства в умовах воєнного стану та напрями їх аналізу
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Важливість аналізу конкурентних сил, що впливають на економічну безпеку підприємства,обумовлена необхідністю подальшої розбудови ринкової економіки України в умовах повно-масштабного воєнного вторгнення. У статті розглянуто основні складові ринкових сил вумовах сучасного ринкового середовища та їх вплив на рівень економічної безпеки підпри-ємств під час повномасштабної агресії росії в Україні. Досліджено необхідність здійсненнязаходів конкурентної розвідки з метою збирання інформації та визначення напрямів її засто-сування для зміцнення економічної безпеки суб’єкта господарювання. Зазначено етапи розвід-увального циклу та визначена роль кожного з них. Сформульовано напрями збирання інфор-мації по кожній складовій конкурентних сил, базуючись на моделі Майкла Портера: існуючіконкуренти, товари-замінники, потенційні конкуренти, постачальники сировини та комп-лектуючих, споживачі товарів та послуг. Звернено увагу на оцінку важливості кожного з цихелементів в умовах воєнного стану в Україні.
The importance of the analysis of competitive forces affecting the economic security of the enterprise is due to the need for further development of the market economy of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion. The article examines the main components of market forces in the conditions of the modern market environment and their impact on the level of economic security of enterprise during the full-scale russian aggression in Ukraine. The necessity of carrying out competitive intelligence activities in order to collect information and determine the directions of its application to strengthen the economic security of the business entity has been studied. The stages of the intelligence cycle are specified and the role of each of them is determined. Directions for collecting information on each component of competitive forces are formulated, based on Michael Porter`s model: existing competitors, substitute goods, potential competitors, suppliers of raw materials and components,consumers of goods and services. Attention is paid to the assessment of the importance of each of these elements under the martial law in Ukraine. Based on the approaches of the military to understand the stages of the intelligence cycle, its stages were modified and adapted to the intelligence activities of business entities. A comprehensive analysis of competitive forces according to Michael Porter was carried out and the main directions of information search about them under the martial law and the use of this information were determined. For each component of competitive forces, what transformations have taken place in terms of their influence on the competitive situation and what rotations occur with their ranking are noted. After the end of the war, an influx of foreign investors is expected in Ukraine.The article takes a look at the Map of Ukraine's investment and business opportunities launched by the European Business Association, Global Business for Ukraine and Ukraine Invest. The map of investment opportunities of Ukraine is an interactive tool that will help potential investors learn about available investment opportunities in different regions of Ukraine, their details and characteristics, as well as leave an application in case of interest. The use of the material presented in the article will allow for a more thorough and balanced analysis of the competitive environment, its various components under the martial law, and making strategic forecasts for the long term.
The importance of the analysis of competitive forces affecting the economic security of the enterprise is due to the need for further development of the market economy of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion. The article examines the main components of market forces in the conditions of the modern market environment and their impact on the level of economic security of enterprise during the full-scale russian aggression in Ukraine. The necessity of carrying out competitive intelligence activities in order to collect information and determine the directions of its application to strengthen the economic security of the business entity has been studied. The stages of the intelligence cycle are specified and the role of each of them is determined. Directions for collecting information on each component of competitive forces are formulated, based on Michael Porter`s model: existing competitors, substitute goods, potential competitors, suppliers of raw materials and components,consumers of goods and services. Attention is paid to the assessment of the importance of each of these elements under the martial law in Ukraine. Based on the approaches of the military to understand the stages of the intelligence cycle, its stages were modified and adapted to the intelligence activities of business entities. A comprehensive analysis of competitive forces according to Michael Porter was carried out and the main directions of information search about them under the martial law and the use of this information were determined. For each component of competitive forces, what transformations have taken place in terms of their influence on the competitive situation and what rotations occur with their ranking are noted. After the end of the war, an influx of foreign investors is expected in Ukraine.The article takes a look at the Map of Ukraine's investment and business opportunities launched by the European Business Association, Global Business for Ukraine and Ukraine Invest. The map of investment opportunities of Ukraine is an interactive tool that will help potential investors learn about available investment opportunities in different regions of Ukraine, their details and characteristics, as well as leave an application in case of interest. The use of the material presented in the article will allow for a more thorough and balanced analysis of the competitive environment, its various components under the martial law, and making strategic forecasts for the long term.
Ключові слова
конкурентні сили, розвідувальний цикл, модель М. Портера, потенційні конкуренти, товари-замінники, competitive forces, intelligence cycle, M. Porter`s model, potential competitors, substitute goods
Бібліографічний опис
Овчаренко, Л. Конкурентні сили як фактор зміцнення економічної безпеки підприємства в умовах воєнного стану та напрями їх аналізу [Текст] / Л. Овчаренко // Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека : науково-практичний журнал / Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [гол. ред. О. Ю. Кудріна, редкол.: В. В. Божкова, В. І. Борщ, Н. М. Вдовенко та ін.]. – 2023. – № 6 (06). – С. 36–40. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.6-7