Педагогічні чинники ризику захворюваності молодших школярів
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У статті розглядається проблема впливу негативних педагогічних чинників на здоров’я молодших школярів. Експериментальне дослідження проблеми свідчить, що попередити виникнення «шкільних хвороб» можливо шляхом створення здоров’язбережувального шкільного середовища та відповідності навчального плану і програм фізичним і психічним можливостям молодших школярів. Перспективним є подальше дослідження об’єктивних і суб’єктивних факторів, які негативно впливають на стан здоров’я молодших школярів як у навчальному процесі, так і поза ним.
The article is highlighted the problem of negative pedagogical factors influence on the school children’s health: stressful teaching tactics; intensification of the educational process; mismatch of methods and technologies of training to age and functionality of school children; failure to comply with basic hygiene requirements for the organization of educational process; functional illiteracy of teachers and parents in conservation issues and promotion of health; the lack of work on the formation of the value of health and healthy lifestyles. Moreover this complex of negative factors is dangerous because it is continuous, long-term and systematic. Current system assessment of knowledge and authoritarian style of relations between teachers and students in primary school enhance stressful teaching tactics that causes the primary school children chronic feelings of fear, uncertainty, and mental disorders. In the modern school practice the success in studying is not often determined by quality. It is determined by speed performance indicators. Intensification of the educational process has led to an overload of pupils. It is increased the volume of tasks for independent work. Compulsory learning in elementary school often not count the functional readiness of the child to learn that makes parents turn to tutors, and therefore enhance mental workload of children. This causes to a stable tiredness, nervousness and chronic diseases. Experimental research of these issues shows that prevent the occurrence of "school diseases" is possible by creating health-saving school environment and appropriate study plans and programs to physical and mental abilities of pupils. It is possible to conduct the further research of objective and subjective factors that negatively affect the health of primary school children in the studying process as well as outside it.
The article is highlighted the problem of negative pedagogical factors influence on the school children’s health: stressful teaching tactics; intensification of the educational process; mismatch of methods and technologies of training to age and functionality of school children; failure to comply with basic hygiene requirements for the organization of educational process; functional illiteracy of teachers and parents in conservation issues and promotion of health; the lack of work on the formation of the value of health and healthy lifestyles. Moreover this complex of negative factors is dangerous because it is continuous, long-term and systematic. Current system assessment of knowledge and authoritarian style of relations between teachers and students in primary school enhance stressful teaching tactics that causes the primary school children chronic feelings of fear, uncertainty, and mental disorders. In the modern school practice the success in studying is not often determined by quality. It is determined by speed performance indicators. Intensification of the educational process has led to an overload of pupils. It is increased the volume of tasks for independent work. Compulsory learning in elementary school often not count the functional readiness of the child to learn that makes parents turn to tutors, and therefore enhance mental workload of children. This causes to a stable tiredness, nervousness and chronic diseases. Experimental research of these issues shows that prevent the occurrence of "school diseases" is possible by creating health-saving school environment and appropriate study plans and programs to physical and mental abilities of pupils. It is possible to conduct the further research of objective and subjective factors that negatively affect the health of primary school children in the studying process as well as outside it.
Ключові слова
ризики захворюваності, risk of disease, здоров’я, health, молодші школярі, primary school children, педагогічні чинники, pedagogical factors, шкільні хвороби, school disease
Бібліографічний опис
Кондратюк, С. М. Педагогічні чинники ризику захворюваності молодших школярів [Текст] / С. М. Кондратюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 5 (49). – С. 136–142.