Форми та методи забезпечення розвитку підприємницької компетентності учнівської молоді в закладах середньої освіти США
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкрито основні форми та методи забезпечення розвитку підприємницької компетентності учнівської молоді в закладах середньої освіти США та надається їм характеристика. На основі методу концептуально-порівняльного аналізу, aнaлiзу вітчизняного й зapубiжнoгo дoсвiду, а також систематизації і аналізу фактів, журнальних публікацій, надало нам можливість виділити найпоширеніші форми (міні-підприємства, міні-банки, семінари, робота з батьками) і методи (частково-пошуковий, ігровий, прикладу, бесіди, розповіді, лекції), що широко використовуються американською педагогічною спільнотою.
To achieve the goals of entrepreneurial competence development is attributed to the mastery of students the main elements of entrepreneurship educational content which are placed in school curriculum. The aim of the article is to reveal the main forms and methods of providing students' entrepreneurial competence development in American secondary educational establishments and their characteristics. The most common forms (mini-enterprises, mini-banks, seminars, work with parents) and methods (partially search, game, example, conversation, narration, lecture) on the basis of conceptual and comparative analysis methods, the analysis of the domestic and foreign experiences, as well as systematization and analysis of the facts, journal publications have been distinguished. During entrepreneurial training American pedagogical community uses organization of mini-enterprises for the production and sale of goods and services. Educators pay special attention to the mini-enterprises created by students themselves, because they prepare them for entering the world of business and commerce. Another form of training is creation of mini-banks where students can open an account themselves and deposit their earnings into the bank at interest rates. Seminars are forms where economic concepts, the role of entrepreneurship, ways to create and open students' own businesses, gaining economic knowledge and financial literacy are discussed. It should be noted that the effectiveness of usage the partial search method during above mentioned forms of training is determined by American researchers in the field of entrepreneurship education A. Cooper and A. Corbett. Application of the game method allows to repeat those concepts which are known to student youth, and to supplement the existing information about economy of the country in a short time. To diversify the learning process, the teacher uses the example method, showing plots of real entrepreneurs. It is also worth paying attention to working with parents' form, which uses conversations, stories, lectures for the development of children's entrepreneurship and initiative. Thus, students' entrepreneurial competence development will only be effective when they involve in the educational process and accept proposed arsenal of ways to achieve the objectives of entrepreneurship education. The prospects of further research require a question of diagnostics of entrepreneurship, a comparative analysis of students' entrepreneurial competence development in secondary educational establishments of the USA and Ukraine.
To achieve the goals of entrepreneurial competence development is attributed to the mastery of students the main elements of entrepreneurship educational content which are placed in school curriculum. The aim of the article is to reveal the main forms and methods of providing students' entrepreneurial competence development in American secondary educational establishments and their characteristics. The most common forms (mini-enterprises, mini-banks, seminars, work with parents) and methods (partially search, game, example, conversation, narration, lecture) on the basis of conceptual and comparative analysis methods, the analysis of the domestic and foreign experiences, as well as systematization and analysis of the facts, journal publications have been distinguished. During entrepreneurial training American pedagogical community uses organization of mini-enterprises for the production and sale of goods and services. Educators pay special attention to the mini-enterprises created by students themselves, because they prepare them for entering the world of business and commerce. Another form of training is creation of mini-banks where students can open an account themselves and deposit their earnings into the bank at interest rates. Seminars are forms where economic concepts, the role of entrepreneurship, ways to create and open students' own businesses, gaining economic knowledge and financial literacy are discussed. It should be noted that the effectiveness of usage the partial search method during above mentioned forms of training is determined by American researchers in the field of entrepreneurship education A. Cooper and A. Corbett. Application of the game method allows to repeat those concepts which are known to student youth, and to supplement the existing information about economy of the country in a short time. To diversify the learning process, the teacher uses the example method, showing plots of real entrepreneurs. It is also worth paying attention to working with parents' form, which uses conversations, stories, lectures for the development of children's entrepreneurship and initiative. Thus, students' entrepreneurial competence development will only be effective when they involve in the educational process and accept proposed arsenal of ways to achieve the objectives of entrepreneurship education. The prospects of further research require a question of diagnostics of entrepreneurship, a comparative analysis of students' entrepreneurial competence development in secondary educational establishments of the USA and Ukraine.
Ключові слова
підприємницька компетентність, учнівська молодь, заклади середньої освіти, форми, методи, США, американська педагогічна спільнота, entrepreneurial competence, students, secondary educational establishments, forms, methods, USA, American pedagogical community
Бібліографічний опис
Сліпенко, В. Форми та методи забезпечення розвитку підприємницької компетентності учнівської молоді в закладах середньої освіти США [Текст] / В. Сліпенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 9 (83). – С. 13–22.