Аналіз готовності вчителів початкових класів до формування екологічно доцільної поведінки школярів
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У статті обґрунтовано методи й результати дослідження готовності вчителів початкових класів до формування екологічно доцільної поведінки школярів. Дослідження зазначеної проблеми дало можливість виокремити: особливості роботи вчителів-класоводів із батьками й учнями щодо формування екологічно доцільної поведінки; вивчення стану взаємодії школи і сім’ї в контексті формування екологічно доцільної поведінки учнів початкової школи. Діагностика проводилася за допомогою таких методів: анкетування, бесіди. Виявлено суперечності між: прагненням учителів до організації екологічного виховання учнів початкових класів відповідно до європейських орієнтирів і переважанням урочної форми роботи; розумінням учителями важливої ролі батьків в екологічному вихованні учнів у школі й одноманітністю, несистемністю роботи з батьками.
In the article the methods and results of research readiness of the primary school teachers to form ecologically expedient behavior pupils are revealed. Environmentally appropriate behavior of the primary school pupils is seen as steps and actions during the direct and indirect interaction with nature, interconnected by the aim of saving nature due to the peculiar for primary school pupils non-pragmatic subject-subject attitude to the objects of nature or externally normalized adults (teachers, parents). The study of the problem made it possible to distinguish: peculiarities of work of the class teachers with parents and pupils on forming an ecologically expedient behavior; study of the state of the interaction of school and family in the context of forming an ecologically expedient behavior of the primary school pupils. Diagnosis was conducted using the following methods: survey (involved ascertaining whether the class teachers understand the nature of environmental education and ecologically expedient behavior of the primary school pupils, including awareness of the importance of forming ecologically expedient pupils’ behavior, favoring this or that forms and methods of environmental education of pupils) and conversation (obtaining enhanced, compared to the survey, information on teachers that clarifies the position of interaction with parents during the formation of ecologically expedient behavior of a primary school teacher education among the parents on environmental education). Analysis of the research methods made it possible to come to such conclusions: in the minds of the vast majority of teachers scientific knowledge of nature and its health problems are associated with the education of the senses, very little attention is paid to teachers’ coverage of value of inanimate world and problems related to its protection; pedagogical education of parents on the subject is not widely reflected in the work of teachers. There are revealed the contradictions between: the desire of teachers to ecological education of primary school pupils in accordance with European guidelines and dominated time limited forms of work; understanding the important role of teachers in the environmental education of parents of pupils at the school and monotonous, not consistent work with parents.
In the article the methods and results of research readiness of the primary school teachers to form ecologically expedient behavior pupils are revealed. Environmentally appropriate behavior of the primary school pupils is seen as steps and actions during the direct and indirect interaction with nature, interconnected by the aim of saving nature due to the peculiar for primary school pupils non-pragmatic subject-subject attitude to the objects of nature or externally normalized adults (teachers, parents). The study of the problem made it possible to distinguish: peculiarities of work of the class teachers with parents and pupils on forming an ecologically expedient behavior; study of the state of the interaction of school and family in the context of forming an ecologically expedient behavior of the primary school pupils. Diagnosis was conducted using the following methods: survey (involved ascertaining whether the class teachers understand the nature of environmental education and ecologically expedient behavior of the primary school pupils, including awareness of the importance of forming ecologically expedient pupils’ behavior, favoring this or that forms and methods of environmental education of pupils) and conversation (obtaining enhanced, compared to the survey, information on teachers that clarifies the position of interaction with parents during the formation of ecologically expedient behavior of a primary school teacher education among the parents on environmental education). Analysis of the research methods made it possible to come to such conclusions: in the minds of the vast majority of teachers scientific knowledge of nature and its health problems are associated with the education of the senses, very little attention is paid to teachers’ coverage of value of inanimate world and problems related to its protection; pedagogical education of parents on the subject is not widely reflected in the work of teachers. There are revealed the contradictions between: the desire of teachers to ecological education of primary school pupils in accordance with European guidelines and dominated time limited forms of work; understanding the important role of teachers in the environmental education of parents of pupils at the school and monotonous, not consistent work with parents.
Ключові слова
екологічно доцільна поведінка, екологічне виховання, ставлення до об’єктів природи, констатувальний етап експерименту, методи дослідження, учні початкової школи, вчителі початкових класів, environmentally appropriate behavior, ecological education, attitudes toward objects of nature, ascertaining stage of the experiment, research methods, pupils of primary school, primary school teachers
Бібліографічний опис
Колишкіна, А. Аналіз готовності вчителів початкових класів до формування екологічно доцільної поведінки школярів [Текст] / А. Колишкіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 287–294.