Організація реабілітаційно-оздоровчої роботи серед дітей із дефектами нижніх кінцівок в умовах СДНЗ
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У статті подається теоретичне обґрунтування необхідності застосування різних форм гідрокінезотерапії в комплексній програмі оздоровчо-реабілітаційної спрямованості в умовах спеціалізованого дошкільного навчального закладу, з дітьми які мають дефекти нижніх кінцівок: вальгусна деформація нижніх кінцівок (34%); дисплазія кульшового суглоба (30%); плоскостопість (25%); плоско-вальгусні ступні (15%); укорочення кінцівок (5%). Використання властивостей водного середовища дає змогу уникати зайвого осьового навантаження на уражені суглоби, нормалізувати тонус м’язів і психоемоційний стан.
Theoretical grounding of the necessity of different forms of hydrokinezotherapy implementation in the comprehensive program of health-improving and rehabilitation direction in the conditions of the specialized preschool educational establishment with the children who have lower extremities defects: valgus deformation of lower extremities (34%); dysplasia of hip joint (30%); flat-footedness (25%); flat-valgus feet (15%); lower extremities shortening (5%) is given in the article. The main purpose of hydrokinezotherapy is force increase and force endurance of lower extremities muscles, muscular tone normalization, joint-ligamentous apparatus strengthening, harmonious development of almost all lower extremities muscular groups, strengthening of locomotive, metabolism, sleep and appetite improvement, as well as general strengthening and conditioning the organism of a child to the cold. During the process of hydrokinezotherapy performance, one should stick to the following principles: to keep succession of different exercises application, gradualness of increase and elongation of performance and exercises quantity, combination of the massage and therapeutic physical training before doing the exercises in water, to perform supervision over child’s health condition and the efficiency of hydrokinezotherapy rehabilitation influence. Horizontal position and hydroweightlessness during performing the exercises in water contribute to significant drop in static load on the basic muscles groups, facilitate performing of dynamic exercises and increase the quality of working out the basic movements that is necessary for lower extremities defects elimination. Among the means of hydrokinezotherapy special attention should be paid to aquaaerobics, this type of activity is based on performing to music temperate in intensity movements in water. Its efficiency lies in performing many-sided effect on the locomotive, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system of a child. During performing aerobics exercises the muscles of lower extremities get strained and relax rhythmically. The bases of the aquaaerobics complexes include simple and at the same time various movements that allow to express emotional state, plots and images. For intensification of movements in water and maintenance of emotional elation while performing the exercises in aerobics, supplementary equipment, elements of costumes are used. These activities will make for elimination of hyper-irritation and excitement, will develop harmoniously feet muscles, will prevent scoliosis, will form accurate muscular corset.
Theoretical grounding of the necessity of different forms of hydrokinezotherapy implementation in the comprehensive program of health-improving and rehabilitation direction in the conditions of the specialized preschool educational establishment with the children who have lower extremities defects: valgus deformation of lower extremities (34%); dysplasia of hip joint (30%); flat-footedness (25%); flat-valgus feet (15%); lower extremities shortening (5%) is given in the article. The main purpose of hydrokinezotherapy is force increase and force endurance of lower extremities muscles, muscular tone normalization, joint-ligamentous apparatus strengthening, harmonious development of almost all lower extremities muscular groups, strengthening of locomotive, metabolism, sleep and appetite improvement, as well as general strengthening and conditioning the organism of a child to the cold. During the process of hydrokinezotherapy performance, one should stick to the following principles: to keep succession of different exercises application, gradualness of increase and elongation of performance and exercises quantity, combination of the massage and therapeutic physical training before doing the exercises in water, to perform supervision over child’s health condition and the efficiency of hydrokinezotherapy rehabilitation influence. Horizontal position and hydroweightlessness during performing the exercises in water contribute to significant drop in static load on the basic muscles groups, facilitate performing of dynamic exercises and increase the quality of working out the basic movements that is necessary for lower extremities defects elimination. Among the means of hydrokinezotherapy special attention should be paid to aquaaerobics, this type of activity is based on performing to music temperate in intensity movements in water. Its efficiency lies in performing many-sided effect on the locomotive, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system of a child. During performing aerobics exercises the muscles of lower extremities get strained and relax rhythmically. The bases of the aquaaerobics complexes include simple and at the same time various movements that allow to express emotional state, plots and images. For intensification of movements in water and maintenance of emotional elation while performing the exercises in aerobics, supplementary equipment, elements of costumes are used. These activities will make for elimination of hyper-irritation and excitement, will develop harmoniously feet muscles, will prevent scoliosis, will form accurate muscular corset.
Ключові слова
дисплазія кульшового суглоба, плоскостопість, плоско-вальгусна деформація, гідрокінезотерапія, м’язовий тонус, дошкільний вік, спеціалізований дошкільний навчальний заклад, hip joint dysplasia, flat-footedness, flat-valgus deformation, hydrokinezotherapy, muscular tone, preschool age, specialized preschool educational establishment
Бібліографічний опис
Руденко, А. М. Організація реабілітаційно-оздоровчої роботи серед дітей із дефектами нижніх кінцівок в умовах СДНЗ [Текст] / А. М. Руденко, О. М. Звіряка, О. О. Беспалова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 2 (36). – С. 92–98.