Науково-дослідницька компетентність у складі ключових компетентностеи іноземних студентів-філологів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті, порушуючи питання, чи можна вважати ключовою для іноземних студентів-філологів науково-дослідницьку компетентність, автор доводить шляхом аналізу наукової літератури та державних документів, що зазначена компетентність є ключовою. Детально аналізується структура науково-дослідницької компетентності та її компонентний склад, доводиться доцільність виокремлення навчально- дослідницької компетентності у структурі науково-дослідницької.
The article considers the possibility of inclusion of scientific research competence in the key competences of foreign students-philologists. The author proves through the analysis of scientific literature and state documents that the mentioned competence is a key one. For foreign students-philologists, the primary ethos is to master the basic knowledge of language and life skills in a new foreign language environment, but the "learning ability", that is, the competence of cognitive activity, is included in the list of key, which means mandatory formation of educational-research and scientific research competences in teaching and learning. The structure of scientific research competence and its components are analyzed in detail. The structure includes: professional scientific competence, characterized by the state and level of knowledge and skills allowing professional research activities; communicative scientific competence, since in the scientific sphere the speech interaction of the researchers is systematically carried out for the purpose of intercourse, persuasion, proof of truth; educational competence, which consists in the ability of a scientist to direct his educational activity (to determine the direction, to measure volume, to plan systematic and consistent deepening of knowledge in independent cognitive activity). The expediency of separating educational-research competence in the structure of scientific research is proved, as in the process of educational activity the first skills of research activity are formed, which become the basis for further formation of scientific research competence. The article focuses on the fact that for foreign students-philologists, formation of educational-research competence during the baccalaureate studies is extremely important. Formation of such skills as goal-setting, self-organization, organization of the search for new knowledge is the basis for research in the magistracy.
The article considers the possibility of inclusion of scientific research competence in the key competences of foreign students-philologists. The author proves through the analysis of scientific literature and state documents that the mentioned competence is a key one. For foreign students-philologists, the primary ethos is to master the basic knowledge of language and life skills in a new foreign language environment, but the "learning ability", that is, the competence of cognitive activity, is included in the list of key, which means mandatory formation of educational-research and scientific research competences in teaching and learning. The structure of scientific research competence and its components are analyzed in detail. The structure includes: professional scientific competence, characterized by the state and level of knowledge and skills allowing professional research activities; communicative scientific competence, since in the scientific sphere the speech interaction of the researchers is systematically carried out for the purpose of intercourse, persuasion, proof of truth; educational competence, which consists in the ability of a scientist to direct his educational activity (to determine the direction, to measure volume, to plan systematic and consistent deepening of knowledge in independent cognitive activity). The expediency of separating educational-research competence in the structure of scientific research is proved, as in the process of educational activity the first skills of research activity are formed, which become the basis for further formation of scientific research competence. The article focuses on the fact that for foreign students-philologists, formation of educational-research competence during the baccalaureate studies is extremely important. Formation of such skills as goal-setting, self-organization, organization of the search for new knowledge is the basis for research in the magistracy.
Ключові слова
компетенція, компетентність, ключова компетентність, науково-дослідницька компетентність, навчально-дослідницька компетентність, загальні компетенції, комунікативна компетентність, освітня діяльність, іноземний студент-філолог, competency, competence, key competence, scientific research competence, educational-research competence, general competencies, communicative competence, educational activity, foreign student-philologist
Бібліографічний опис
Мовчан, Т. Науково-дослідницька компетентність у складі ключових компетентностеи іноземних студентів-філологів [Текст] /Т. Мовчан // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 10 (84). – С. 107–118.