Концепт чуда в освітньому просторі Польщі: від богословської теорії до академічного знання
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті представлено польський досвід висвітлення богословської
проблематики чуда в академічній освіті. Автором зазначено, що
висвітлення сучасної проблематики чуда в богословській освіті
відбувається в таких дисциплінах, як біблеїстика й фундаментальна
теологія. Якщо в першій чудо є предметом зацікавлення в контексті
священної історії, то в другій ставиться питання про концепцію чуда та
його апологетичну вартість. Доведено, що в викладенні матеріалу
польські автори підручників усе більше відмовляються від сухого й
догматизованого тексту, шукаючи ефективних засобів, які спонукають
студента до живої та глибокої рефлексії над тематикою.
The article presents Polish experience of coverage the problems of the theological miracle in academic education. The author stresses that the transformations occurred in the catholic theological thought during the last century could not displayed on the teaching of the miracle. The theologians of the twentieth century were forced to take a fresh answer to the annoying questions related to the issues of interpretation of biblical miracles, faith in the miracle of reconciliation with the mentality of modern man, the achievements of science and so on. Accordingly, the need to reflect theological achievements in education, representing a modern vision of catholic religious phenomena in the scientific and educational institutions, seminaries has arisen. So, thanks to the fundamentals of scholastic philosophy to interpret miracles of Jesus, the tendencies to characterize Catholic education were defined. They are polemical-apologetic approach, allegory of miraculous events, the use of description of wonders as a kind of canvas for dogmatic and moral teachings, sometimes ignored the very problematic of miracles. It is mentioned that with a long and rich tradition of catholic theology in Poland is represented by many theological schools and great names. It became a clear reflection of the processes taking place in all catholic theology, instantly reacting not only to new doctrinal apostolic documents, but the trends which are manifested in foreign theological centers. Accordingly, the transformation that took place in the theological understanding of the concept of miracle was covered in the academic programs, textbooks and lectures on theology. Lighting contemporary issues of wonder in theological education is occurred in such disciplines as Biblical traditions and fundamental theology. If the first miracle is the subject of interest in the context of sacred history, the second question is about the concept of miracle and its apologetic value. In the presentation of the material the Polish authors of the textbooks increasingly refuse from dry and dogmatic texts seeking for effective tools that encourage the students to live and deep reflection on the topic.
The article presents Polish experience of coverage the problems of the theological miracle in academic education. The author stresses that the transformations occurred in the catholic theological thought during the last century could not displayed on the teaching of the miracle. The theologians of the twentieth century were forced to take a fresh answer to the annoying questions related to the issues of interpretation of biblical miracles, faith in the miracle of reconciliation with the mentality of modern man, the achievements of science and so on. Accordingly, the need to reflect theological achievements in education, representing a modern vision of catholic religious phenomena in the scientific and educational institutions, seminaries has arisen. So, thanks to the fundamentals of scholastic philosophy to interpret miracles of Jesus, the tendencies to characterize Catholic education were defined. They are polemical-apologetic approach, allegory of miraculous events, the use of description of wonders as a kind of canvas for dogmatic and moral teachings, sometimes ignored the very problematic of miracles. It is mentioned that with a long and rich tradition of catholic theology in Poland is represented by many theological schools and great names. It became a clear reflection of the processes taking place in all catholic theology, instantly reacting not only to new doctrinal apostolic documents, but the trends which are manifested in foreign theological centers. Accordingly, the transformation that took place in the theological understanding of the concept of miracle was covered in the academic programs, textbooks and lectures on theology. Lighting contemporary issues of wonder in theological education is occurred in such disciplines as Biblical traditions and fundamental theology. If the first miracle is the subject of interest in the context of sacred history, the second question is about the concept of miracle and its apologetic value. In the presentation of the material the Polish authors of the textbooks increasingly refuse from dry and dogmatic texts seeking for effective tools that encourage the students to live and deep reflection on the topic.
Ключові слова
чудо, освітній простір, Польща, богословська теорія, академічне знання, theological miracle, Polish experience, catholic religious phenomena, theological schools, academic knowledge
Бібліографічний опис
Пальчик, А. О. Концепт чуда в освітньому просторі Польщі: від богословської теорії до академічного знання [Текст] / А. О. Пальчик // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП "Мрія", 2015. – Вип. 1–2 (5–6). – С. 26–38.