Основні тенденції розвитку екологічної психології
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У статті розглянуто теоретичні основи екологічної психології, проаналізовано основні дефініції екологічної психології. З’ясовано актуальні питання міждисциплінарного наукового напряму: вивчення психології людей, що приймають екологічні рішення, їх мотиваційної сфери, системи цінностей, наявність установок, розробка психотехнічних засобів екологізації свідомості. Розглянуто напрями екопсихологічного підходу: психологічна екологія, психологія оточуючого середовища, екстремальна психологія, психологія інформаційного простору, психологія охорони довкілля, екологічна психологія. Проаналізовано основні завдання екологічної психології. Позначено перспективи подальших наукових пошуків: вивчення проблеми психологічної та духовної безпеки особистості в умовах суспільства ризику.
The article emphasizes the relevance of environmental psychology studying. It is shown that the risk society contains a number of hazards that threaten the individual and society: advanced industrial technologies that violate the ecology of nature, information impact on the person, complex social transformations, value-normative changes, profanation of culture and spirituality, manipulation of consciousness. The importance of finding ways of eco-psychological protection of the personality, its identity and authenticity, physical, mental, social and spiritual development, and harmonious interaction with the environment is affirmed. The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of environmental psychology, which is considered as a multidisciplinary science that studies environmental well-being of mental health of the nation, people, personality, explores the impact of harmful factors on the person. The basic definitions of environmental psychology are considered. The current issues of eco-psychological approach are outlined: the study of psychology of people who take environmental decisions, their motivational sphere, value system, availability of facilities, developing psychological tools of ecologization of consciousness. The directions of eco-psychological approach are analyzed: psychological ecology, psychology of environment, extreme psychology, psychology of the information space, psychology of environment protection, environmental psychology. Methodological features of environmental psychology are discussed: versatility of environmental awareness (includes scientific worldview, religious worldview, reflection about the natural world, aesthetic appreciation of landscapes, scientific picture of the world); environmental psychology considers the nature as a holistic living organism, as a collection of natural objects taken in their diversity, the unity and uniqueness; environmental psychology sees natural phenomena as living entities; environmental psychology uses a conceptual apparatus of psychology of personality, developmental psychology, social psychology, historical psychology, medical and pedagogical psychology. The main tasks of environmental psychology are analyzed. The perspectives of further research are: the study of problems of psychological and spiritual security of the individual in conditions of the risk society.
The article emphasizes the relevance of environmental psychology studying. It is shown that the risk society contains a number of hazards that threaten the individual and society: advanced industrial technologies that violate the ecology of nature, information impact on the person, complex social transformations, value-normative changes, profanation of culture and spirituality, manipulation of consciousness. The importance of finding ways of eco-psychological protection of the personality, its identity and authenticity, physical, mental, social and spiritual development, and harmonious interaction with the environment is affirmed. The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of environmental psychology, which is considered as a multidisciplinary science that studies environmental well-being of mental health of the nation, people, personality, explores the impact of harmful factors on the person. The basic definitions of environmental psychology are considered. The current issues of eco-psychological approach are outlined: the study of psychology of people who take environmental decisions, their motivational sphere, value system, availability of facilities, developing psychological tools of ecologization of consciousness. The directions of eco-psychological approach are analyzed: psychological ecology, psychology of environment, extreme psychology, psychology of the information space, psychology of environment protection, environmental psychology. Methodological features of environmental psychology are discussed: versatility of environmental awareness (includes scientific worldview, religious worldview, reflection about the natural world, aesthetic appreciation of landscapes, scientific picture of the world); environmental psychology considers the nature as a holistic living organism, as a collection of natural objects taken in their diversity, the unity and uniqueness; environmental psychology sees natural phenomena as living entities; environmental psychology uses a conceptual apparatus of psychology of personality, developmental psychology, social psychology, historical psychology, medical and pedagogical psychology. The main tasks of environmental psychology are analyzed. The perspectives of further research are: the study of problems of psychological and spiritual security of the individual in conditions of the risk society.
Ключові слова
екологічна психологія, особистість, суспільство, оточуюче середовище, екологічна свідомість, психологія оточуючого середовища, екстремальна психологія, психологія інформаційного простору, психологія охорони довкілля, environmental psychology, personality, society, environment, ecological consciousness, psychology of environment, extreme psychology, psychology of the information space, psychology of environmental protection
Бібліографічний опис
Скоробагатська, О. І. Основні тенденції розвитку екологічної психології [Текст] / О. І. Скоробагатська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 415–422.