Данія. Система освіти Данії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті викладено провідні ознаки й особливості функціонування данської системи освіти. Проаналізовано основні етапи її розвитку та становлення. Викладено аспекти роботи освітніх закладів різних рівнів від початкової обов’язкової школи до вищих освітніх закладів. Зроблено акцент на ефективні методи та принципи роботи шкіл, училищ і університетів. Також приділено увагу особливостям життя громадян в Данії.
The educational system of Denmark is unique. The first thing you notice, exploring this problem is the existence of an absolutely unique education for children and adults. Denmark is able to prove that in fact no matter what is taught at schools, it is important what knowledge they have after finishing them. Back in 1814, the Danish monarchy first adopted the Education Act, according to which all children have the right to get 7-year education. It should be noted that law free boarding schools began to open all over the country in all cities. In addition, the colleges for teacher training were established. The purpose of schooling was to prepare a worthy and useful member of the society. The students studied religion, reading, writing and mathematics. The Education Act changed several times, but when making the last edition in 1993, the Danish Parliament has considered more than 800 projects submitted from various schools of the country. This indicates that the law was passed with the requirements of that society put forward the education system. And this approach to the election of the new directions of the system of education in the country made it possible to provide the knowledge and skills that will enable the students to become a full member of the society in future. According to the law all have to be educated from 7 to 16 years. It does not matter where the child receives education – at a state («traditional») school or at a private school or even at home. The only criterion is that you need to learn some compulsory subjects in accordance with the standards of education. It means that children should gain knowledge but not to go to school. Most children attend public schools («Folkeskole»). «People’s School» is a public school, which includes kindergarten and grades from the 1st to 10th form. In addition, the school has a group of extended day for primary school children. Danish «public schools» are very diverse. The Education Act defines the purpose of education, certain requirements and local authorities, together with the management of the school and parents are choosing not only the objects but also the teaching methods and means to achieve an aim. The students automatically, regardless of success in learning are transferred from form to form. All students have the opportunity to receive the same knowledge till the 9th form, and the last 2 years they can learn in another - an alternative school («Efterskole») or in the youth schools or high folk schools. The law defines the following tasks to help the students to gain knowledge, skills, the ways of expressing themselves and comprehensively promote the personal development of each student and create the conditions for the realization of usefulness of studying, make it possible to believe in their own strength for further active and independent participation in the society. They learn the history, culture and traditions not only of their own people and other nations as well. They get good knowledge about the relationship and interaction between man and nature. The schools teach the basics of democracy in order to prepare decent citizens. The teachers teach the students to be responsible members of the society, the rights and duties of each to society based on democracy. That is why education is based on freedom, equality and democracy.
The educational system of Denmark is unique. The first thing you notice, exploring this problem is the existence of an absolutely unique education for children and adults. Denmark is able to prove that in fact no matter what is taught at schools, it is important what knowledge they have after finishing them. Back in 1814, the Danish monarchy first adopted the Education Act, according to which all children have the right to get 7-year education. It should be noted that law free boarding schools began to open all over the country in all cities. In addition, the colleges for teacher training were established. The purpose of schooling was to prepare a worthy and useful member of the society. The students studied religion, reading, writing and mathematics. The Education Act changed several times, but when making the last edition in 1993, the Danish Parliament has considered more than 800 projects submitted from various schools of the country. This indicates that the law was passed with the requirements of that society put forward the education system. And this approach to the election of the new directions of the system of education in the country made it possible to provide the knowledge and skills that will enable the students to become a full member of the society in future. According to the law all have to be educated from 7 to 16 years. It does not matter where the child receives education – at a state («traditional») school or at a private school or even at home. The only criterion is that you need to learn some compulsory subjects in accordance with the standards of education. It means that children should gain knowledge but not to go to school. Most children attend public schools («Folkeskole»). «People’s School» is a public school, which includes kindergarten and grades from the 1st to 10th form. In addition, the school has a group of extended day for primary school children. Danish «public schools» are very diverse. The Education Act defines the purpose of education, certain requirements and local authorities, together with the management of the school and parents are choosing not only the objects but also the teaching methods and means to achieve an aim. The students automatically, regardless of success in learning are transferred from form to form. All students have the opportunity to receive the same knowledge till the 9th form, and the last 2 years they can learn in another - an alternative school («Efterskole») or in the youth schools or high folk schools. The law defines the following tasks to help the students to gain knowledge, skills, the ways of expressing themselves and comprehensively promote the personal development of each student and create the conditions for the realization of usefulness of studying, make it possible to believe in their own strength for further active and independent participation in the society. They learn the history, culture and traditions not only of their own people and other nations as well. They get good knowledge about the relationship and interaction between man and nature. The schools teach the basics of democracy in order to prepare decent citizens. The teachers teach the students to be responsible members of the society, the rights and duties of each to society based on democracy. That is why education is based on freedom, equality and democracy.
Ключові слова
система освіти, обов’язкова освіта, державні асигнування, приватні освітні заклади, вища освіта, законодавство, фінансування освітніх закладів, educational system, right to 7-year education, state schools, further education, alternative education, education act, democracy, decent citizens, knowledge, achieve an aim, studies
Бібліографічний опис
Процай, Л. Данія. Система освіти Данії [Текст] / Л. Процай // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 39–48.