Формування дослідницької компетентності майбутнього вчителя математики та економіки
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У статті проаналізовано процес формування дослідницької компетентності майбутнього вчителя математики та економіки, запропоновано модель формування дослідницької компетентності, що є сукупністю таких компонентів, як: цільовий, мотиваційний, змістовий і організаційний, ефективність яких обумовлюється використанням проблемного, координуючого навчання; кредитно-модульної системи; упровадженням суб’єктно-суб’єктної, толерантної, партнерської педагогіки; активізацією та індивідуалізацією творчої діяльності. У статті також виділено засоби реалізації педагогічних умов формування дослідницької компетентності та подано їх характеристику.
The process of research competence formation of future teachers of mathematics and economics is analyzed in the article and the model of research competence formation is proposed. A model is known to be a system of interrelated elements that gives an opportunity to define the priority tasks, methods and forms of the activity, designed to achieve a particular result. The authors stick to the approach, implying that competence is the result of the formed competence and therefore its structural elements are aimed at forming the elements of a certain competence. Taking into consideration the characteristics of teachers professional training in mathematics and economics, the integrated content of future mathematics and economics teachers’ research competence, which involves formation of psychological-pedagogical and core components, as well as the defined elements of the corresponding competence, the following model of research competence formation has been proposed by the authors. The authors consider the process of research competence formation to be a set of such components as target, motivational, contextual and organizational, the effectiveness of which is determined by pedagogical terms of the research competence formation: by application of the problem, coordinating training; credit-modular system; by introduction of subject-subject, tolerant, partner education, by the individualization of the creative activity. The model of research competence formation, proposed by the authors, includes the following tools of pedagogical conditions of realization in research competence formation: information-didactic maintenance elaboration of professional and practical training content that will create methodological and technological base for training in the frames of the credit-modular system, formation of creative groups and circles devoted to the chair issues; completion of individual research tasks and projects involving the data of region economic development, organization and conduct of imitation business games, prompting the students to participate in the project workshops devoted to the current economic problems, presentations conduct, introduction of economic training sessions, prompting the students to participate in scientific conferences and publishing the results of their investigations; providing students participation in the National Ukrainian contest in students research papers; attracting students to participate in mathematics and economics contests; completion of the course and qualification diploma papers. Designing a model of future research competence of a teacher of mathematics and economics, the authors proceeded from the fact that it should be informative, easy in use, its elements can not contradict each other and other educational facilities; the mechanisms presented in the model should clearly reflect the process of research competence formation through realization of specific components.
The process of research competence formation of future teachers of mathematics and economics is analyzed in the article and the model of research competence formation is proposed. A model is known to be a system of interrelated elements that gives an opportunity to define the priority tasks, methods and forms of the activity, designed to achieve a particular result. The authors stick to the approach, implying that competence is the result of the formed competence and therefore its structural elements are aimed at forming the elements of a certain competence. Taking into consideration the characteristics of teachers professional training in mathematics and economics, the integrated content of future mathematics and economics teachers’ research competence, which involves formation of psychological-pedagogical and core components, as well as the defined elements of the corresponding competence, the following model of research competence formation has been proposed by the authors. The authors consider the process of research competence formation to be a set of such components as target, motivational, contextual and organizational, the effectiveness of which is determined by pedagogical terms of the research competence formation: by application of the problem, coordinating training; credit-modular system; by introduction of subject-subject, tolerant, partner education, by the individualization of the creative activity. The model of research competence formation, proposed by the authors, includes the following tools of pedagogical conditions of realization in research competence formation: information-didactic maintenance elaboration of professional and practical training content that will create methodological and technological base for training in the frames of the credit-modular system, formation of creative groups and circles devoted to the chair issues; completion of individual research tasks and projects involving the data of region economic development, organization and conduct of imitation business games, prompting the students to participate in the project workshops devoted to the current economic problems, presentations conduct, introduction of economic training sessions, prompting the students to participate in scientific conferences and publishing the results of their investigations; providing students participation in the National Ukrainian contest in students research papers; attracting students to participate in mathematics and economics contests; completion of the course and qualification diploma papers. Designing a model of future research competence of a teacher of mathematics and economics, the authors proceeded from the fact that it should be informative, easy in use, its elements can not contradict each other and other educational facilities; the mechanisms presented in the model should clearly reflect the process of research competence formation through realization of specific components.
Ключові слова
модель формування дослідницької компетентності, педагогічні умови формування дослідницької компетентності, майбутній учитель математики та економіки, model of research competence formation, pedagogical conditions of research competence formation, future teacher of mathematics and economics
Бібліографічний опис
Ковтун, Г. І. Формування дослідницької компетентності майбутнього вчителя математики та економіки [Текст] / Г. І. Ковтун, О. В. Мартиненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 255–265.