Готовність майбутніх фахівців залізничного транспорту до професійної діяльності: структурний аналіз
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розкривається сутність готовності майбутніх фахівців залізничного транспорту до професійної діяльності. Здійснено структурний аналіз цієї дефініції. Виокремлено та проаналізовано компоненти (ціннісно-мотиваційний, когнітивний, операційно-діяльнісний, рефлексивний), їх критерії, показники та рівні сформованості готовності майбутніх фахівців залізничного транспорту до професійної діяльності. Структурний аналіз готовності майбутніх фахівців залізничного транспорту дозволяє підвищувати ефективність професійної підготовки, а також здійснювати її корекцію на різних етапах неперервної професійної освіти.
The article reveals the essence of future railway transport specialists’ readiness to professional activity. A structural analysis of this definition is conducted. The components (value-motivational, cognitive, operational and activational, reflexive), their criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of future railway transport specialists to professional activity are singled out and analyzed. Structural analysis of the readiness of future railway transport specialists allows to increase the efficiency of professional education, as well as to carry out its correction at different stages of lifelong professional education. Solving the problem of readiness of a young person who completes a certain level of professional education to professional activity is an important social problem. After all, every sphere of society needs skilled workers with a number of characteristics for development and effective activity: professional competence and professional readiness to professional activity. The characteristic of each level of readiness of future railway transport specialists to professional activity (low, average, sufficient, high) is carried out. It is concluded that students with high level of readiness to professional activity are future leaders, managers who are supposed to work on their own development, as well as on the development of the transport infrastructure; students with a sufficient level – can become successful employees in the field, improve and enhance their professionalism; intermediate students – will work in transport infrastructure companies at service or as middle level workers. Assessing the readiness of future railway transport specialists to professional activity makes it possible to influence the quality of professional education in general, to adjust it at all stages. Knowledge of components, criteria and indicators of readiness to professional activity allows to promote its increase both on separate indicators, and as a whole. Our further research will be aimed at finding ways to improve the system of professional education of future railway transport specialists.
The article reveals the essence of future railway transport specialists’ readiness to professional activity. A structural analysis of this definition is conducted. The components (value-motivational, cognitive, operational and activational, reflexive), their criteria, indicators and levels of readiness of future railway transport specialists to professional activity are singled out and analyzed. Structural analysis of the readiness of future railway transport specialists allows to increase the efficiency of professional education, as well as to carry out its correction at different stages of lifelong professional education. Solving the problem of readiness of a young person who completes a certain level of professional education to professional activity is an important social problem. After all, every sphere of society needs skilled workers with a number of characteristics for development and effective activity: professional competence and professional readiness to professional activity. The characteristic of each level of readiness of future railway transport specialists to professional activity (low, average, sufficient, high) is carried out. It is concluded that students with high level of readiness to professional activity are future leaders, managers who are supposed to work on their own development, as well as on the development of the transport infrastructure; students with a sufficient level – can become successful employees in the field, improve and enhance their professionalism; intermediate students – will work in transport infrastructure companies at service or as middle level workers. Assessing the readiness of future railway transport specialists to professional activity makes it possible to influence the quality of professional education in general, to adjust it at all stages. Knowledge of components, criteria and indicators of readiness to professional activity allows to promote its increase both on separate indicators, and as a whole. Our further research will be aimed at finding ways to improve the system of professional education of future railway transport specialists.
Ключові слова
готовність до професійної діяльності, майбутні фахівці залізничного транспорту, професійна освіта, компоненти, критерії, показники, рівні, readiness to professional activity, future railway transport specialists, professional education, components, criteria, indicators, levels
Бібліографічний опис
Маланюк, Н. Готовність майбутніх фахівців залізничного транспорту до професійної діяльності: структурний аналіз [Текст] / Н. Маланюк // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 7 (101). – С. 85–98. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.07/085-098.