Проблема подолання вузького професіоналізму в процесі підготовки майбутніх фахівців залізничної галузі
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Стаття присвячена проблемі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців залізничної галузі, а саме висвітленню наукових поглядів на формування професіоналізму майбутніх залізничників, що наявні в сучасній науково-педагогічній літературі. Аналізується вузьке розуміння існуючого уявлення про поняття «професіоналізм». Наведено вимоги до сучасного успішного залізничника з вищою освітою, а також з’ясовано особливості професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців у технічних університетах.
The article is devoted to the training of future specialists for railway industry, particularly it covers scientific views concerning the formation of the professionalism of future railway workers available in modern scientific and educational literature. The narrow meaning of the existing concept «professionalism» is analyzed. The requirements for a successful modern «Railway Worker» with higher education are submitted, as well as the peculiarities of the training of future specialists at technical universities are detected. We focus on the training of a specialist at the railway university, especially on his great mobility, responsibility and self-activity in mastering modern information and computer technology, successful creative self-realization, adoption to implementation of higher life goals, achievement of high level of aspiration and professional success. The article points out that the best results are achieved by those railroaders who are interested not only in the process of training but also in rapid implementation of their own creative plans, even if they are not very significant for today, but can be very considerable for professional activity in future. Well-developed personal qualities provide the advantage over the narrow professionalism. The ways to overcome the existing narrow professional education in Ukraine are fully described. The complete result of that process has to be a railway specialist whose values, principles and rules of life are fully formed. The system of pedagogical support, which aim is to transform adverse conditions of education (internal and external) on favorable is suggested as the main direction of training of future railroaders to their future professional activity. The process of adaptation of railroaders to the new conditions of the development of railway transport is interpreted by the author as an active device to another, new attitude to the profession, new requirements, customs and traditions; new conditions of life, patterns of behavior, new forms of leisure; as the assimilation of new forms of cultural communication, assessment, means and methods of self-study, as well as the recognition of their personal values, norms and requirements of the new social environment; the possession of new professional activities. Based on the analysis of the problem a general strategy of the formative experiment was worked out. In its format the required basic professional components aimed at the development of true professionalism of each member of the target profile of his future professional life during training at high school were determined.
The article is devoted to the training of future specialists for railway industry, particularly it covers scientific views concerning the formation of the professionalism of future railway workers available in modern scientific and educational literature. The narrow meaning of the existing concept «professionalism» is analyzed. The requirements for a successful modern «Railway Worker» with higher education are submitted, as well as the peculiarities of the training of future specialists at technical universities are detected. We focus on the training of a specialist at the railway university, especially on his great mobility, responsibility and self-activity in mastering modern information and computer technology, successful creative self-realization, adoption to implementation of higher life goals, achievement of high level of aspiration and professional success. The article points out that the best results are achieved by those railroaders who are interested not only in the process of training but also in rapid implementation of their own creative plans, even if they are not very significant for today, but can be very considerable for professional activity in future. Well-developed personal qualities provide the advantage over the narrow professionalism. The ways to overcome the existing narrow professional education in Ukraine are fully described. The complete result of that process has to be a railway specialist whose values, principles and rules of life are fully formed. The system of pedagogical support, which aim is to transform adverse conditions of education (internal and external) on favorable is suggested as the main direction of training of future railroaders to their future professional activity. The process of adaptation of railroaders to the new conditions of the development of railway transport is interpreted by the author as an active device to another, new attitude to the profession, new requirements, customs and traditions; new conditions of life, patterns of behavior, new forms of leisure; as the assimilation of new forms of cultural communication, assessment, means and methods of self-study, as well as the recognition of their personal values, norms and requirements of the new social environment; the possession of new professional activities. Based on the analysis of the problem a general strategy of the formative experiment was worked out. In its format the required basic professional components aimed at the development of true professionalism of each member of the target profile of his future professional life during training at high school were determined.
Ключові слова
професіоналізм, майбутній фахівець, залізнична галузь, професійна підготовка, professionalism, future specialist, railway industry, professional training
Бібліографічний опис
Сущенко, Р. В. Проблема подолання вузького професіоналізму в процесі підготовки майбутніх фахівців залізничної галузі [Текст] / Р. В. Сущенко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 318–327.