Навчання студентів-магістрів технічних спеціальностей академічного письма англійською мовою
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Статтю присвячено проблемі навчання студентів-магістрів технічних спеціальностей письма англійською мовою. У роботі схарактеризовано основні етапи навчання письма англійською мовою на просунутому етапі та наведені характеристики та приклади вправ для навчання письма англійською мовою на цих етапах. Також було наведено характеристики жанрів наукового стилю та проаналізовано структурні елементи текстів такого характеру. Визначено писемні вміння, необхідні студентам-магістрам для написання текстів наукового стилю. Проаналізовано та визначено форми контролю, які доцільно використовувати при навчанні письма.
The article is devoted to consideration of teaching English writing to Master’s students of technical departments. Main stages of teaching English writing at an advanced level are regarded as well as characteristics and examples of the exercises for teaching English writing at these stages. The article states that teaching at an advanced level deals with development and improvement of learning skills obtained during previous teaching stages. The basis of the system for teaching English writing to Master’s students are the exercises aimed at the development of such skills as: 1) ability to structure written texts correctly; 2) stylistic skills; 3) ability to suggest an idea in the written form; 4) ability to achieve cohesion. During teaching English writing to Master’s students, special focus needs to be placed on availability principle which implies gradual presentation of the material. Special attention in the process of teaching should be also paid to text structure and organization along with its verbal peculiarities. This refers to both short and long written scientific forms. In its turn, components of writing activities may be divided into pre-writing, during-writing and post-writing stages. Pre-writing stage involves analysis of the text structural elements. The second stage is aimed at teaching English writing to Master’s students as a specific kind of speech activity. Individual work with the elements of team work will dominate at this stage of the teaching process. At this stage all students who work in a team are responsible for writing of some particular structural element of the scientific text. The post-writing stage focuses on proofreading and editing final result as well as achieving text cohesion. An important role in teaching is devoted to control. The forms of control include: delayed individual control, peer-check, front control and self-control. It should be noted that evaluation criteria should guide teacher in his/ her control. To summarize it, it should be noted that all the exercises used for teaching English writing to Master’s students should be productive, communicative and relatively communicative. Consideration of all these factors will promote creation of scientifically grounded exercises for teaching English writing to Master’s students.
The article is devoted to consideration of teaching English writing to Master’s students of technical departments. Main stages of teaching English writing at an advanced level are regarded as well as characteristics and examples of the exercises for teaching English writing at these stages. The article states that teaching at an advanced level deals with development and improvement of learning skills obtained during previous teaching stages. The basis of the system for teaching English writing to Master’s students are the exercises aimed at the development of such skills as: 1) ability to structure written texts correctly; 2) stylistic skills; 3) ability to suggest an idea in the written form; 4) ability to achieve cohesion. During teaching English writing to Master’s students, special focus needs to be placed on availability principle which implies gradual presentation of the material. Special attention in the process of teaching should be also paid to text structure and organization along with its verbal peculiarities. This refers to both short and long written scientific forms. In its turn, components of writing activities may be divided into pre-writing, during-writing and post-writing stages. Pre-writing stage involves analysis of the text structural elements. The second stage is aimed at teaching English writing to Master’s students as a specific kind of speech activity. Individual work with the elements of team work will dominate at this stage of the teaching process. At this stage all students who work in a team are responsible for writing of some particular structural element of the scientific text. The post-writing stage focuses on proofreading and editing final result as well as achieving text cohesion. An important role in teaching is devoted to control. The forms of control include: delayed individual control, peer-check, front control and self-control. It should be noted that evaluation criteria should guide teacher in his/ her control. To summarize it, it should be noted that all the exercises used for teaching English writing to Master’s students should be productive, communicative and relatively communicative. Consideration of all these factors will promote creation of scientifically grounded exercises for teaching English writing to Master’s students.
Ключові слова
письмо, писемне мовлення, етапи навчання, науковий стиль, практичне письмо, writing, stages of teaching, scientific style, practical writing, academic writing
Бібліографічний опис
Дзіман, Г. М. Навчання студентів-магістрів технічних спеціальностей академічного письма англійською мовою [Текст] / Г. М. Дзіман // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 5 (39). – С. 105–113.