Фізкультурна освіта і спорт у початковій школі Євросоюзу: сучасний стан і тенденції розвитку
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У статті розглядаються особливості організації та моделі фізкультурної освіти молодших школярів у державах-членах Європейського Союзу. Автор аналізує практику і визначає тенденції розвитку фізкультурної освіти на рівні МСКО 1, серед яких реалізація національних стратегій і масштабних ініціатив з просування здорового способу життя, реформування шкільних програм з фізичного виховання, орієнтація змісту початкової освіти на формування в молодших школярів спортивних компетенцій, інтеграція учнів з особливими потребами в навчальний процес з фізкультурної освіти, упровадження новітніх методологічних підходів. Схарактеризовано спільні для країн ЄС риси й виклики в організації фізкультурної освіти на початковому щаблі.
The article examines the organizational peculiarities and models of physical education of younger schoolchildren in the Member States of the European Union. The author analyzes the practice and points out the trends of physical education at ISCED level 1 including the implementation of national strategies and major initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles, the reform of physical education curriculum taking into account the need to increase time on physical training and sports, orientation of the primary education content on the forming of primary school children’s sports competence and expanding the scope of the discipline “Physical culture and sports” to the field “Education about healthy way of life”, integration of students with special needs in the educational process in sports education, and the introduction of new methodological approaches based on the humanistic basis and aimed at establishing interdisciplinary links with subjects of the compulsory cycle (native language, civic education, valeology, information technology). The article characterizes the common features of the EU countries in physical education at the primary stage which are the dominance of sports games in the framework of the physical education and sports curriculum, the practice of formal evaluation of students’ athletic achievements, the dependence of the quality and quantity of school sports equipment on the level of country economic development and school location. Having analyzed the experience of European countries on the organization of physical education and sports, the author concludes that each state, taking into account the pan-European policy, implements national policies and programmes aimed at developing a positive attitude towards physical activity among children and youth throughout life, developing physical literacy of pupils, strengthening the material base for high quality physical education and sports in every school, increasing the number of hours of physical education in the curricula, etc. The challenges for the EU countries in the organization of physical education at ISCED level 1 such as the increase in the number of hours of physical education and sports at the primary level, the discrepancy of physical education teachers’ training to modern requirements, the lack of continuous professional development of teachers, and the need for modernization of school facilities and infrastructure demand effective solutions.
The article examines the organizational peculiarities and models of physical education of younger schoolchildren in the Member States of the European Union. The author analyzes the practice and points out the trends of physical education at ISCED level 1 including the implementation of national strategies and major initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles, the reform of physical education curriculum taking into account the need to increase time on physical training and sports, orientation of the primary education content on the forming of primary school children’s sports competence and expanding the scope of the discipline “Physical culture and sports” to the field “Education about healthy way of life”, integration of students with special needs in the educational process in sports education, and the introduction of new methodological approaches based on the humanistic basis and aimed at establishing interdisciplinary links with subjects of the compulsory cycle (native language, civic education, valeology, information technology). The article characterizes the common features of the EU countries in physical education at the primary stage which are the dominance of sports games in the framework of the physical education and sports curriculum, the practice of formal evaluation of students’ athletic achievements, the dependence of the quality and quantity of school sports equipment on the level of country economic development and school location. Having analyzed the experience of European countries on the organization of physical education and sports, the author concludes that each state, taking into account the pan-European policy, implements national policies and programmes aimed at developing a positive attitude towards physical activity among children and youth throughout life, developing physical literacy of pupils, strengthening the material base for high quality physical education and sports in every school, increasing the number of hours of physical education in the curricula, etc. The challenges for the EU countries in the organization of physical education at ISCED level 1 such as the increase in the number of hours of physical education and sports at the primary level, the discrepancy of physical education teachers’ training to modern requirements, the lack of continuous professional development of teachers, and the need for modernization of school facilities and infrastructure demand effective solutions.
Ключові слова
фізкультурна освіта, початкова школа, цілі навчальної програми, здоровий спосіб життя, формальне оцінювання, шкільний спорт, тенденція, physical education, primary school, curriculum objectives, healthy lifestyle, formal evaluation, school sports, trend
Бібліографічний опис
Ярова, О. Б. Фізкультурна освіта і спорт у початковій школі Євросоюзу: сучасний стан і тенденції розвитку [Текст] / О. Б. Ярова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 401–412.