Методи активного навчання в методико-математичній підготовці майбутніх вчителів початкових класів
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СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлюється проблема використання методів активного навчання в методико-математичній підготовці майбутніх вчителів початкових класів. Наголошується, що їх використання сприяє формуванню позитивного ставленню студентів до майбутньої професії, формуванню активної позиції щодо професійного самовдосконалення і саморозвитку. Розкрито сутність і класифікацію методів активного навчання. Особливістю статті є те, що на конкретному предметному матеріалі продемонстрована реалізація таких методів активного навчання як розігрування ролей і ділова гра.
The article reveals the problem of using active learning techniques in methodological and mathematical preparation of future teachers of primary school. It is stressed that the problem of qualified preparation of future teachers of primary school in conditions of reforming the higher and secondary education is extremely urgent. The changes occurring in Ukraine predetermine the creation of adequate social and educational conditions, cause the need of designing and implementation of a new model of learning, development and practical realization of effective teaching methods. These methods were found to be of active learning as their usage promotes positive attitudes of students to their future profession, activity detection in the assimilation of professional knowledge and skills, the formation of active positions on professional self-improvement and self-development. The article reveals the essence of active learning techniques. The active learning methods were established to impel students to active intellectual and practical activity in the process of mastering the learning material. Some features of these methods were found like a forced activation of thinking, engaging students in the learning process during a long time, creative solutions produced by the students. The classification of active learning techniques was considered. It is divided into simulation (analysis of specific situations, simulation exercises, playing – playing the roles, role-playing game, game designing) and not simulation (problematic lectures, seminars and thematic discussion, research and conference, research work of students,). The feature of the article is performed in demonstrative implementation of active learning techniques as playing the roles, business game on the specific subject material. The method of playing the roles was set to help learning through experience and analysis of feelings, imitates reality by "living the situation in the role". The feature of the role-playing game is that a student "lives" a variety of life situations in special circumstances that allow him to form a world view, to defend his position. It was established that the use of these methods in methodical mathematical preparation of future teachers of primary schools promotes increasing learning motivation and the formation of professional competence of students
The article reveals the problem of using active learning techniques in methodological and mathematical preparation of future teachers of primary school. It is stressed that the problem of qualified preparation of future teachers of primary school in conditions of reforming the higher and secondary education is extremely urgent. The changes occurring in Ukraine predetermine the creation of adequate social and educational conditions, cause the need of designing and implementation of a new model of learning, development and practical realization of effective teaching methods. These methods were found to be of active learning as their usage promotes positive attitudes of students to their future profession, activity detection in the assimilation of professional knowledge and skills, the formation of active positions on professional self-improvement and self-development. The article reveals the essence of active learning techniques. The active learning methods were established to impel students to active intellectual and practical activity in the process of mastering the learning material. Some features of these methods were found like a forced activation of thinking, engaging students in the learning process during a long time, creative solutions produced by the students. The classification of active learning techniques was considered. It is divided into simulation (analysis of specific situations, simulation exercises, playing – playing the roles, role-playing game, game designing) and not simulation (problematic lectures, seminars and thematic discussion, research and conference, research work of students,). The feature of the article is performed in demonstrative implementation of active learning techniques as playing the roles, business game on the specific subject material. The method of playing the roles was set to help learning through experience and analysis of feelings, imitates reality by "living the situation in the role". The feature of the role-playing game is that a student "lives" a variety of life situations in special circumstances that allow him to form a world view, to defend his position. It was established that the use of these methods in methodical mathematical preparation of future teachers of primary schools promotes increasing learning motivation and the formation of professional competence of students
Ключові слова
активні методи навчання, аctive learning techniques, імітаційні методи, simulation techniques, неімітаційні методи, not simulation methods, розігрування ролей, playing the roles, ділова гра, business game, мотивація, motivation, методико-математична підготовка, ethodological and mathematical training, майбутні вчителі початкових класів, future teachers of primary school
Бібліографічний опис
Васько, О. О. Методи активного навчання в методико-математичній підготовці майбутніх вчителів початкових класів [Текст] / О. О. Васько, К. В. Соловйова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / голов. ред. А. А. Сбруєва. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. - № 4 (38). – С. 315–323.