Виды информации в моделировании и индивидуальной оптимизации процессов обучения
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В работе исследуется понятие «информация», показано, что оно имеет слишком широкое толкование. Вследствие этого его логично разбить на такие виды: «скрытая информация», «потенциальная информация», «эго – информация», «информация ближнего поля», «информация дальнего поля». С целью моделирования явлений, происходящих при мышлении человека, предлагается рассмотреть процессы в компьютерном процессоре и компьютерной сети. Применением информационно-компьютерной модели при преподавании технических дисциплин достигается максимальная оптимизация вследствие полного учета индивидуальных особенностей каждого студента путем «автонастройки учебы».
The article investigates the idea of «information» and its historical evolution and shows that it has too broad interpretation in our days. As a result, it seems logical to divide it into the following types: «concealed information» – which is absolutely unaccessible for us, «potential information»– which is easily accessible for us, «ego-information», that is, the information that has already been perceived by human consciousness and its sub-types – «near field information», «distant field information». To model the events, happening in human thinking, it is suggested to make use of analogy between the processes, happening in the human brain, in the processes of computer and in computer network. Analogy is indicated between the processes of information transmission from the teacher to the student during the training process and information transmission in computer network. A definite analogy is admitted between the ideas of «information» and «energy», as the analogy between «information» and «entropy» has been earlier admitted. The use of information – computer model of training process makes it possible to achieve maximum optimization of training. For this purpose it is suggested to realize the division of the whole volume of training material into such a number of information portions, individual for each student, and to use such a rate of information delivery, also individual for each student, that the rate of learning and the volume of mastered material would be maximum. It is suggested to make up tandem teacher – student and this tandem must define the division into the required number of information portions and the rate of its mastering. The student must be more important in this tandem, as the aim of training is the transmission of knowledge to the student. The full account of each student’s individual features in such an information division by means of his/her participation in it will make it possible to realize “auto-tuning” mode of the student’s individual training. In its turn, it will make possible to bring the training nearer to the individual training mode, which has been most effective and, at the same time, the most expensive in its classical variant in the former times.
The article investigates the idea of «information» and its historical evolution and shows that it has too broad interpretation in our days. As a result, it seems logical to divide it into the following types: «concealed information» – which is absolutely unaccessible for us, «potential information»– which is easily accessible for us, «ego-information», that is, the information that has already been perceived by human consciousness and its sub-types – «near field information», «distant field information». To model the events, happening in human thinking, it is suggested to make use of analogy between the processes, happening in the human brain, in the processes of computer and in computer network. Analogy is indicated between the processes of information transmission from the teacher to the student during the training process and information transmission in computer network. A definite analogy is admitted between the ideas of «information» and «energy», as the analogy between «information» and «entropy» has been earlier admitted. The use of information – computer model of training process makes it possible to achieve maximum optimization of training. For this purpose it is suggested to realize the division of the whole volume of training material into such a number of information portions, individual for each student, and to use such a rate of information delivery, also individual for each student, that the rate of learning and the volume of mastered material would be maximum. It is suggested to make up tandem teacher – student and this tandem must define the division into the required number of information portions and the rate of its mastering. The student must be more important in this tandem, as the aim of training is the transmission of knowledge to the student. The full account of each student’s individual features in such an information division by means of his/her participation in it will make it possible to realize “auto-tuning” mode of the student’s individual training. In its turn, it will make possible to bring the training nearer to the individual training mode, which has been most effective and, at the same time, the most expensive in its classical variant in the former times.
Ключові слова
«скрытая информациия», «потенциальная информация», «эго – информация», «информация ближнего поля», «информация дальнего поля», «автонастройки учебы», информационно-компьютерная модель, concealed information, potential information, ego-information, near field information, distant field information, auto-tuning mode of training, information – computer model of training process
Бібліографічний опис
Королев, С. В. Виды информации в моделировании и индивидуальной оптимизации процессов обучения [Текст] / С. В. Королев // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 7 (51). – С. 83–101.