Игра как метод обучения при формировании математических представлений младших школьников
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Статья посвящена формированию математических представлений младших школьников возможностями игрового метода обучения. Учебно-воспитательный процесс в школе сегодня преображается и наполняется новым содержанием. Это не просто процесс взаимодействия учителя и ученика – это новая модель организации учебного процесса, неотъемлемыми элементами которого выступают педагогические технологии, усовершенствованные методы, приемы, средства и многообразие видов деятельности. В статье выявлены дидактические возможности и педагогические условия игрового метода обучения в формировании математических представлений младших школьников. Обеспечение всесторонней математической подготовки детей возможно при педагогически умелом сочетании игровых методов в обучении младших школьников. Анализ теории и практики проблемы формирования математических представлений у детей дал возможность выявить педагогические условия, способствующие формированию основ математического образования: применение компетентностного подхода; способствовать самореализации детей в игровой и других видах деятельности; использование игровых методов в активизации познавательной деятельности детей.
The article is devoted to the formation of mathematical ideas of junior schoolchildren by means of game method of teaching. The educational process at school today has been transformed and filled with new content. It is not just a process of interaction between a teacher and a student but a new level of educational process organization, an integral part of which includes educational technology, advanced methods, techniques and tools (special interactive whiteboards, projectors, consoles, etc.), approaches (personal, qualified, active) and the variety of activities (communication, playing, working, teaching). The period of primary school should create an enabling environment for children, providing them successful development, training and education. Understanding of the mathematics serves as a means of intellectual development of the child's cognitive and creative abilities. The effectiveness of the mathematical development of the child in the first form strongly influences the success of teaching mathematics in future. The choice of the game method as a first object of creative analysis and practical development is dictated by the fact that it can act a crucial role in gaining of cognitive interest, facilitating the complex process of teaching, accelerating development. In the article the didactic opportunities and pedagogical conditions of the game method of teaching in the formation of understanding of the mathematics among junior schoolchildren are detected. Providing comprehensive mathematical training of children is possible in case of pedagogically skillful combination of game methods in teaching junior schoolchildren. The analysis of the theory and practice of problems in formation of mathematical skills among hildren gave the opportunity to identify educational conditions which contributes to the formation of the foundations of the mathematics education: the use of competence-based approach; promotion of self-fulfillment of children within games and other activities; using of game techniques for intensification of the cognitive activity of children. Along with the extension of mathematical horizons and experiences of children, shaping their communicative skills and education of personal qualities, special attention is paid to the development of mathematical speech of children, their general logic development.
The article is devoted to the formation of mathematical ideas of junior schoolchildren by means of game method of teaching. The educational process at school today has been transformed and filled with new content. It is not just a process of interaction between a teacher and a student but a new level of educational process organization, an integral part of which includes educational technology, advanced methods, techniques and tools (special interactive whiteboards, projectors, consoles, etc.), approaches (personal, qualified, active) and the variety of activities (communication, playing, working, teaching). The period of primary school should create an enabling environment for children, providing them successful development, training and education. Understanding of the mathematics serves as a means of intellectual development of the child's cognitive and creative abilities. The effectiveness of the mathematical development of the child in the first form strongly influences the success of teaching mathematics in future. The choice of the game method as a first object of creative analysis and practical development is dictated by the fact that it can act a crucial role in gaining of cognitive interest, facilitating the complex process of teaching, accelerating development. In the article the didactic opportunities and pedagogical conditions of the game method of teaching in the formation of understanding of the mathematics among junior schoolchildren are detected. Providing comprehensive mathematical training of children is possible in case of pedagogically skillful combination of game methods in teaching junior schoolchildren. The analysis of the theory and practice of problems in formation of mathematical skills among hildren gave the opportunity to identify educational conditions which contributes to the formation of the foundations of the mathematics education: the use of competence-based approach; promotion of self-fulfillment of children within games and other activities; using of game techniques for intensification of the cognitive activity of children. Along with the extension of mathematical horizons and experiences of children, shaping their communicative skills and education of personal qualities, special attention is paid to the development of mathematical speech of children, their general logic development.
Ключові слова
обучение, воспитание, развитие, математическое образование, младший школьник, игра, метод обучения, математические представления, teaching, upbringing, mathematical education, junior schoolchild, game, teaching method, understanding of the mathematics
Бібліографічний опис
Зарединова, Э. Р. Игра как метод обучения при формировании математических представлений младших школьников [Текст] / Э. Р. Зарединова, С. И. Исмаилова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 9 (43). – С. 86–93.