Зарубіжні моделі інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти
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У статті наводиться спроба аналізу сутнісних характеристик інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти, представлених на основі порівняння існуючих у зарубіжному науковому просторі теоретичних моделей. Висвітлено методологічні підходи, покладені в основу системного вивчення інтернаціоналізації та її представлення: діяльнісний, процесуальний, компетентнісний та ідеологічний. Виділено переваги та недоліки представлених моделей, обґрунтовано доцільність використання конкретної моделі під час оцінки результатів інтернаціоналізації.
An attempt to analyze essential characteristics of higher education internationalization, based on its theoretical models which exist in foreign science is presented in the paper. The methodological approaches, which lie at the bases of systematic internationalization research, are highlighted, namely activity approach, process approach, ethos approach and competence approach. It is stated that activity approach characterizes internationalization from the activity point of view, process approach deals with internationalization as a process of integration of international perspective to all the functions of university; ethos approach focuses primarily on human resources development in the context of internationalization while ethos approach examines culture of the organization and institution’s attitude to internationalization. The outlined approaches are used by researchers while elaborating models of higher education internationalization. The approaches may be used separately, that is focusing on one of them or in combination. However it is noted that recognition of essential features of internationalization presupposes complex use of the approaches. The J. Davies’s model, the H. van Dijk and K. Meijer’s model, G. Neave’s model, R. Rudski’s model, M. van der Wende, M. Söderkvist’s model, J. Knight’s model and K. Menning’s model are analyzed within the framework of the research. The comparative study of the given models enables to define internationalization either as a linear or a cyclic process, which evolves in stages. The number, duration and peculiarities of the stages vary in different models. While developing models of internationalization some researchers focus on internal process of internationalization in the university and others try to explain features of internationalization based on influence of external environmental factors. The presented models can be used in accessing internationalization results, in developing internationalization strategy on the state and institutional level. They can be utilized while managing internationalization process in the university.
An attempt to analyze essential characteristics of higher education internationalization, based on its theoretical models which exist in foreign science is presented in the paper. The methodological approaches, which lie at the bases of systematic internationalization research, are highlighted, namely activity approach, process approach, ethos approach and competence approach. It is stated that activity approach characterizes internationalization from the activity point of view, process approach deals with internationalization as a process of integration of international perspective to all the functions of university; ethos approach focuses primarily on human resources development in the context of internationalization while ethos approach examines culture of the organization and institution’s attitude to internationalization. The outlined approaches are used by researchers while elaborating models of higher education internationalization. The approaches may be used separately, that is focusing on one of them or in combination. However it is noted that recognition of essential features of internationalization presupposes complex use of the approaches. The J. Davies’s model, the H. van Dijk and K. Meijer’s model, G. Neave’s model, R. Rudski’s model, M. van der Wende, M. Söderkvist’s model, J. Knight’s model and K. Menning’s model are analyzed within the framework of the research. The comparative study of the given models enables to define internationalization either as a linear or a cyclic process, which evolves in stages. The number, duration and peculiarities of the stages vary in different models. While developing models of internationalization some researchers focus on internal process of internationalization in the university and others try to explain features of internationalization based on influence of external environmental factors. The presented models can be used in accessing internationalization results, in developing internationalization strategy on the state and institutional level. They can be utilized while managing internationalization process in the university.
Ключові слова
інтернаціоналізація, міжнародна діяльність університету, моделі інтернаціоналізації, міжнародний вимір освіти, internationalization, international activities of the university, models of internationalization, international dimension of education
Бібліографічний опис
Донченко, В. М. Зарубіжні моделі інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти [Текст] / В. М. Донченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [ред. кол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 6 (40). – С. 10–19.