Місце контролю в процесі формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх учителів географії
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті визначається місце різних видів контролю у процесі формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх учителів географії. Вхідний контроль пропонується проводити фронтально у вигляді перевірки залишкових знань, спираючись при цьому на зміст шкільних програм із географії. Задля проведення поточного контролю пропонується використовувати систему індивідуальних завдань із кожної теми, зокрема роботу зі статистичними даними та картографічним матеріалом. Оптимальним варіантом для проведення рубіжного (модульного) контролю може стати письмова робота, у якій будуть поєднуватися завдання й запитання різних типів та різних рівнів складності. Бажаним буде використання розрахункових задач. Для підсумкового контролю за матеріалом всього навчального курсу бажано використовувати систему тестових завдань.
The purpose of the article is to clarify the place of different types of control in the formation of research skills of future geography teachers. The analysis of theoretical sources, research of other scientists and pedagogical experiment prove the necessity of systematic diagnostics of educational process in pedagogical higher educational establishments. The main method of diagnostics in pedagogical research is control. It is used at different stages of the educational process. Its purpose is to identify the existing shortcomings of the educational process, to correct them, to stimulate student activity. In the process of forming the research skills of future geography teachers, we used input, current, modular, and summary controls. “Research skills” is a set of intellectual and practical actions that ensure the ability of the individual to make independent observations, summarize and analyze the processes and phenomena of reality; to acquire new knowledge and apply it in accordance with the goal of research or professional activity. The structure of each research skill has an intellectual component, a practical component, self-organization and self-control. We identify the following groups of research skills: operational, organizational, communication, practical, cartographic. Input control provides information about the existing level of ownership of different groups of research skills. We suggest conducting it in the form of a residual knowledge test based on the content of school curricula in geography. Current control allows the teacher to manage the learning process and guide it in the desired direction. For this type of control we suggest using the system of individual tasks on each topic. We encourage students to work with statistics and mapping material. Modular control is done after consideration of several topics of training courses. An optimal variant of such control is writing work on individual tasks (theoretical and practical) of different types and different levels of complexity. This approach provides an opportunity to assess the level of development of research skills of different groups. We recommend to include the calculated tasks for each option. The final control is recommended to be carried out using test tasks on the material of the entire training course. We consider this approach to control the process of formation of research skills of students-geographers optimal. In their further studies, we hope to adapt such a system for diagnosing the formation of research skills of future specialists-aviation and tourism industry managers.
The purpose of the article is to clarify the place of different types of control in the formation of research skills of future geography teachers. The analysis of theoretical sources, research of other scientists and pedagogical experiment prove the necessity of systematic diagnostics of educational process in pedagogical higher educational establishments. The main method of diagnostics in pedagogical research is control. It is used at different stages of the educational process. Its purpose is to identify the existing shortcomings of the educational process, to correct them, to stimulate student activity. In the process of forming the research skills of future geography teachers, we used input, current, modular, and summary controls. “Research skills” is a set of intellectual and practical actions that ensure the ability of the individual to make independent observations, summarize and analyze the processes and phenomena of reality; to acquire new knowledge and apply it in accordance with the goal of research or professional activity. The structure of each research skill has an intellectual component, a practical component, self-organization and self-control. We identify the following groups of research skills: operational, organizational, communication, practical, cartographic. Input control provides information about the existing level of ownership of different groups of research skills. We suggest conducting it in the form of a residual knowledge test based on the content of school curricula in geography. Current control allows the teacher to manage the learning process and guide it in the desired direction. For this type of control we suggest using the system of individual tasks on each topic. We encourage students to work with statistics and mapping material. Modular control is done after consideration of several topics of training courses. An optimal variant of such control is writing work on individual tasks (theoretical and practical) of different types and different levels of complexity. This approach provides an opportunity to assess the level of development of research skills of different groups. We recommend to include the calculated tasks for each option. The final control is recommended to be carried out using test tasks on the material of the entire training course. We consider this approach to control the process of formation of research skills of students-geographers optimal. In their further studies, we hope to adapt such a system for diagnosing the formation of research skills of future specialists-aviation and tourism industry managers.
Ключові слова
майбутні вчителі географії, дослідницькі вміння, картографічні вміння, педагогічний заклад вищої освіти, поточний контроль, модульний контроль, індивідуальні завдання, розрахункові задачі, future teachers of geography, research skills, cartographic skills, pedagogical higher education institution, current control, modular control, individual tasks, settlement tasks
Бібліографічний опис
Миргородська, О. Місце контролю в процесі формування дослідницьких умінь майбутніх учителів географії [Текст] / О. Миргородська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 10 (94). – С. 85–95. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.10/085-095.