Комунікативний метод навчання граматики французької мови у вищому навчальному закладі

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Розглянуто особливості застосування комунікативного методу при викладанні граматики студентам вищого навчального закладу. Проаналізовано можливості використання цього методу на кожному етапі формування граматичного вміння та обґрунтовано переваги комунікативної методики над іншими. На конкретних вправах продемонстровано різні способи надання заняттю з граматики комунікативного спрямування.
Introduction. The fact of considerable changes of the contemporary world, its globalization, active attempts of Ukraine to become a part of the European community is a reason of reinterpretation of the role of higher education, its functions and expected results. Today, a graduate of the philological department is not just a person who mastered a certain amount of lexical and grammatical material; it is a person able to use their knowledge in everyday communication, to react appropriately in a certain communicative situation. To achieve such results is sometimes a hard job, because the methods used to teach a foreign language are often outdated and out of connection with real life. As a result, students are aware of the existence of a certain grammar structure, they easily perform substitution exercises, but they cannot use it in communication. That is why the demand of contemporaneity is the development of effective methods which would let the students to master grammar skills in practice and to use them in communication. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to find out the peculiarities of communicative methods usage in teaching French grammar to the students of higher educational establishments. Results. The possibility of free expression in a grammar class helps to create a favorable emotional atmosphere; it facilitates the achievement of positive results. Firstly, it means creating positive motivation of a learner: we study grammar to communicate, not just to know grammar. Secondly, communicative techniques help to develop students’ thinking, because in order to answer a problematic question they need not only use their language skills, but they also have to analyze the situation. Thirdly, an individual approach can be easily applied, thus the possibility of copying will be eliminated. The obligatory demand of communicative grammar teaching is presenting new grammar material within a communicative situation: either an audio-record, or a printed text. Using dialogues while presenting a new grammar material helps to convince students that they deal with the real life structures in the real context. We cannot eliminate non-communicative exercises from the process of language learning, but it is still possible to formulate communicative tasks to these exercises. When the grammar structure is at least partly assimilated, real communicative exercises can be used. These exercises are usually of creative nature. They help to link grammar material to other aspects of language. Originality. The originality of the research lies in the systematization of different communicative approaches. The value of the article is mostly practical, as it gives useful practical advice as for the application of communicative methods during the class of French practical grammar. Conclusion. Thus, communicative techniques can and must be used at all the stages of mastering a grammar skill. The use of communicative tasks serves to motivate students, helps them to realize the context of a certain grammar structure in everyday speech. Creative communicative tasks favor the development of students’ thinking, the activation of their background knowledge, and the manifestation of their personality at a grammar class. The further researches of the mentioned problem must be of practical character, it means the development of communicative tasks to the grammar exercises.
Ключові слова
комунікативний метод, практична граматика, методика викладання, французька мова, комунікативне завдання, лінгвістична компетенція, засвоєння граматичної структури, граматичні вправи, communicative method, practical grammar, teaching technique, French language, communicative task, linguistic competence, grammar structure mastering, grammar exercises
Бібліографічний опис
Боряк, Н. О. Комунікативний метод навчання граматики французької мови у вищому навчальному закладі [Текст] / Н. О. Боряк // Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького. Серія "Педагогічні науки". – 2016. – № 16. – С. 11–16.