Типологія поетонімної опозиції

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Стаття присвячена проблемі типології поетонімної опозиції. Класифікації поетонімних опозицій, побудовані за різними критеріями, розглянуто та проілюстровано прикладами.
The aim of the article is to dwell on the typology of poetonym opposition. The tasks of the researcher are to determine the criteria of classification and to illustrate each type of opposition with an example from literature. The object of the study is types of poetonym opposition in works of literature and the subject of the research is the connections between the elements of poetonymosphere and the means which provide these connections. According to the first classification, we distinguish between a poetonym opposition based on a disctinctive feature and a poetonym opposition formed due to the enmity of referents in the plot of literary text (so called Montague and Capulet of poetonymosphere). The second classification presupposes the division between explicitly and implicitly expressed oppositions. We also suggest classifying poetonym oppositions according to the number and structural location of their members. Thus, we distinguish one member opposition (a poetonym which develops contradictory meanings depending on the context), a basic opposition, consisting of two members, gradual opposition involving more than two components, opposition between microsystems of poetonymosphere, and coreferent nomination as a poetonym opposition. The given research facilitates deeper understanding of the structure and connections of poetonymoshere and helps to interpret literary text. The further studies of typology of poetonym opposition may involve using other criteria to form classification.
Ключові слова
поетонімна опозиція, типологія, дистинктивна ознака, експліцитність, імпліцитність, poetonym opposition, typology, distinctive feature, explicitness, imlicitness
Бібліографічний опис
Гаврилюк, І. С. Типологія поетонімної опозиції [Текст] / І. С. Гаврилюк // Записки з ономастики : збірник наукових праць / [відп. ред. О. Ю. Карпенко]. – Одеса : Астропринт, 2015. – Вип. 18. – С. 128–135.