Специфіка трансформації китайської соціальної структури в останній чверті ХХ ст.
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Дана стаття присвячена ключовим питанням модернізації китайського суспільства в останній третині ХХ століття. Основними автор визначає зміни в соціальній структурі через модернізацію економіки. Подається певна соціальна стратифікація, відповідно до економічних перетворень та суспільних вимог. Відзначається роль та місце нових суспільних прошарків, які були виразниками нових економічних та соціальних видозмін. Автор приходить до висновку, що трансформація структури китайського суспільства не була цілеспрямованим, самостійним процесом і залежала від впровадження інновацій.
This article addresses the key issues of modernizing Chinese society in the last third of the twentieth century. The main author defines changes in the social structure through the modernization of the economy. Some social stratification is submitted, in accordance with economic transformations and social requirements. It is emphasized that these changes became fundamental for the transformation of society. After all, the new economy needed new performers to fulfill its main goal – to transform China into a powerful, not only regional player, but also a world leader, which was the United States and the USSR. One such performer was a new social layer of entrepreneurs, which was a synthesizing link to the traditions of the command-administration system and market innovation. Undoubtedly, the emergence of new social strata was a positive process. As the mobility of the entire Chinese society has increased. But along with positive trends, there were also negative ones. First of all, rapid population growth has become a burdensome burden for the state. Secondly, the negative effects of urbanization, which resulted from the transformation of society, were quickly discovered. Overpopulation, environmental problems also adversely affected the Chinese society. In general, the transformation of the structure of Chinese society was not a deliberate, independent process, but a consequence of modernization processes in the economy.
This article addresses the key issues of modernizing Chinese society in the last third of the twentieth century. The main author defines changes in the social structure through the modernization of the economy. Some social stratification is submitted, in accordance with economic transformations and social requirements. It is emphasized that these changes became fundamental for the transformation of society. After all, the new economy needed new performers to fulfill its main goal – to transform China into a powerful, not only regional player, but also a world leader, which was the United States and the USSR. One such performer was a new social layer of entrepreneurs, which was a synthesizing link to the traditions of the command-administration system and market innovation. Undoubtedly, the emergence of new social strata was a positive process. As the mobility of the entire Chinese society has increased. But along with positive trends, there were also negative ones. First of all, rapid population growth has become a burdensome burden for the state. Secondly, the negative effects of urbanization, which resulted from the transformation of society, were quickly discovered. Overpopulation, environmental problems also adversely affected the Chinese society. In general, the transformation of the structure of Chinese society was not a deliberate, independent process, but a consequence of modernization processes in the economy.
Ключові слова
економічна модернізація, соціальна структура, суспільні прошарки, КНР, демографічна політика, урбанізація, Ден Сяопін, ганьбу, economic modernization, social structure, social strata, PRC, demographic policy, urbanization, Dan Xiaoping
Бібліографічний опис
Жуков, О. В. Специфіка трансформації китайської соціальної структури в останній чверті ХХ ст. [Текст] / О. В. Жуков // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: М. М. Ведмедєв, В. С. Бугрій, І. О. Снегірьов та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 1 (19). – С. 129–139.