Секуляризация европейского социума
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Простежується розвиток секуляризації від її генезису в Середні віки до нашого часу. Обмірковуються умови і чинники, що спрямовували процеси емансипації від християнства в Відродженні, Новому часу та які енергизують їх у Новітній час. Виявляються причини банкрутства зазіхань «Єдино вірного вчення» на монополію в галузі моралі. Обґрунтовується перспективність діяльності міжнародного атеїстичного руху, що здійснюється відповідними організаціями, альянсами, коаліціями.
It traces the development of secularism from its genesis in the Middle Ages to the present day. Comprehend the conditions and factors that guide the process of emancipation of Christianity in the Renaissance, New Era, and energizing them in modern times. The reasons of bankruptcy claims «the only true doctrine» a monopoly in the field of morality. Substantiates the prospects of the international atheist movement oschestvlyaemogo relevant organizations, alliances, coalitions. The virtues of Christianity are mercy, compassion, sacrifice, love of God, forgiveness of enemies, contempt for the blessings of the world, faith in the afterlife, faith in the salvation of the soul are ideal virtues, and therefore unconstructive. They can be guided, perhaps, by creating a society consisting of angels. They can not be placed in the basis of building a state for real, earthly people. For the latter, in the list of I. Berlin, "courage, fortitude in trouble, public service, order, discipline, happiness, stability, justice and, first and foremost, personal initiative, knowledge and strength necessary to achieve the goals". They also energize neo-paganism in a modern secular, secularized world, tired of the Christian escheat of the divine, making people "weak." The day, which began in 2012, will overcome, believe the supporters of Orthodox paganism, the swarm night, which began in 988, and return the wisdom of the ancestors to the Slavs. Christian theocentrism, say grammathologists of the late twentieth century, condemns mortals to passive existence in a world created as the Text of the Great Creator. "They can only observe, read, interpret and admire the wisdom of its author".
It traces the development of secularism from its genesis in the Middle Ages to the present day. Comprehend the conditions and factors that guide the process of emancipation of Christianity in the Renaissance, New Era, and energizing them in modern times. The reasons of bankruptcy claims «the only true doctrine» a monopoly in the field of morality. Substantiates the prospects of the international atheist movement oschestvlyaemogo relevant organizations, alliances, coalitions. The virtues of Christianity are mercy, compassion, sacrifice, love of God, forgiveness of enemies, contempt for the blessings of the world, faith in the afterlife, faith in the salvation of the soul are ideal virtues, and therefore unconstructive. They can be guided, perhaps, by creating a society consisting of angels. They can not be placed in the basis of building a state for real, earthly people. For the latter, in the list of I. Berlin, "courage, fortitude in trouble, public service, order, discipline, happiness, stability, justice and, first and foremost, personal initiative, knowledge and strength necessary to achieve the goals". They also energize neo-paganism in a modern secular, secularized world, tired of the Christian escheat of the divine, making people "weak." The day, which began in 2012, will overcome, believe the supporters of Orthodox paganism, the swarm night, which began in 988, and return the wisdom of the ancestors to the Slavs. Christian theocentrism, say grammathologists of the late twentieth century, condemns mortals to passive existence in a world created as the Text of the Great Creator. "They can only observe, read, interpret and admire the wisdom of its author".
Ключові слова
секуляризація, десакралізація, християнство, Біблія, клерикали, апологети, віра, мораль, екологія, атеїзм, secularization, desacralization, Christianity, Bible, clerics, advocates, faith, morality, the environment, atheism
Бібліографічний опис
Косяк, В. А. Секуляризация европейского социума [Текст] / В. А. Косяк // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Н. В. Кочубей, В. А. Косяк, Є. О. Лебідь [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 1 (15). – С. 31–40.