Деструктивність як атрибут людського самовиявлення: уточнення поняття і перспективи наукових розвідок
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Запропоновано поширити уявлення про деструктивність особистості, і особливу увагу приділити надбаним соціокультурним властивостям індивіда. Деструктивність повинна буди вивченою філософською антропологією та філософією культури як специфічний тип людського світовідношення. Комплексний підхід до вивчення деструктивності вимагає її співставлення з конструктивністю. Також прояви деструктивності у людській діяльності повинні бути розглянутими з погляду синергетичної методології як складники інноваційних процесів у нелінійному розвитку соціуму та культури.
Views about the destructiones as a manifestation of human nature is widely spread over the XX – beginning of XXI century. The phrase "destructive personality" is now widely used as an equivalent for the name of a variety of types of personalities, endowed with a negative, from the point of view of society, qualities. Accordingly, all individual properties that are evaluated as negative, undesirable effects of thinking, identifying the will and practical behavior, unambiguously referred to as the "destructiveness". It is proposed to extend the notion of destructiones as the property of the individual, extending it to the sphere of the acquired socio-cultural qualities of the individual. Destructiones must be studied philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture as a specific type of human world-attitude. It is obvious that the destructiones should be seen comprehensively, in comparison with the constructivnes. Manifestations of destructiones in human activity from the standpoint of synergetic methodology of understanding the self-organization of nonlinear systems are treated as necessary components in innovative social and cultural processes. However, the development of psihoanaliticheskie, psychopathological, psychiatric, criminological approaches to the interpretation of the destructiones led to the formation of a purely negative perceptions about this aspectes of human world-attitude. Attention is drawn to the fact that destructive forms of thinking and activities are forms and spheres of human self-expression, self-actualization and self-development, which ultimately serve as the driving forces of self-development of society and culture. Destructive forms of the world-attitude are the areas of free-form the meaning and the spheres of introduction of human free will. Herewith the society is obliged to improve the technology of limitation of irrational manifestations of behavioral and mental chaos, savage destruction and aggression, which implemented in geopolitics, inter-state and inter-ethnic relations, mental life of society and personality. It is proposed to pay attention to such promising areas of research of the problem of destructiveness in human world-attitude: the economic risks as the determinants of destructions in the human life; the determinants of escalation of destruktion in the field of legal; cultural (communicative, linguistic, moral, ethical etc.) aspects of destructions in human life.
Views about the destructiones as a manifestation of human nature is widely spread over the XX – beginning of XXI century. The phrase "destructive personality" is now widely used as an equivalent for the name of a variety of types of personalities, endowed with a negative, from the point of view of society, qualities. Accordingly, all individual properties that are evaluated as negative, undesirable effects of thinking, identifying the will and practical behavior, unambiguously referred to as the "destructiveness". It is proposed to extend the notion of destructiones as the property of the individual, extending it to the sphere of the acquired socio-cultural qualities of the individual. Destructiones must be studied philosophical anthropology and philosophy of culture as a specific type of human world-attitude. It is obvious that the destructiones should be seen comprehensively, in comparison with the constructivnes. Manifestations of destructiones in human activity from the standpoint of synergetic methodology of understanding the self-organization of nonlinear systems are treated as necessary components in innovative social and cultural processes. However, the development of psihoanaliticheskie, psychopathological, psychiatric, criminological approaches to the interpretation of the destructiones led to the formation of a purely negative perceptions about this aspectes of human world-attitude. Attention is drawn to the fact that destructive forms of thinking and activities are forms and spheres of human self-expression, self-actualization and self-development, which ultimately serve as the driving forces of self-development of society and culture. Destructive forms of the world-attitude are the areas of free-form the meaning and the spheres of introduction of human free will. Herewith the society is obliged to improve the technology of limitation of irrational manifestations of behavioral and mental chaos, savage destruction and aggression, which implemented in geopolitics, inter-state and inter-ethnic relations, mental life of society and personality. It is proposed to pay attention to such promising areas of research of the problem of destructiveness in human world-attitude: the economic risks as the determinants of destructions in the human life; the determinants of escalation of destruktion in the field of legal; cultural (communicative, linguistic, moral, ethical etc.) aspects of destructions in human life.
Ключові слова
деструктивність, destruction, конструктивність, construction, деструктивні типі особистості, destructive personality types, типологія особистості, typology of persons, світовідношення людини, man world-attitude, людська діяльність, human activity, синергійний механізм інноваційних процесів, synergistic mechanismes of innovation processes, соціальні інновації, social innovation, культурні інновації, cultural innovation
Бібліографічний опис
Щербина-Яковлева, О. Ю. Деструктивність як атрибут людського самовиявлення: уточнення поняття і перспективи наукових розвідок [Текст] / О. Ю. Щербина-Яковлева // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: Н. В. Кочубей, В. А. Косяк, Є. О. Лебідь та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 2 (12). – С. 152–160.