Хореографічно-педагогічна освіта в Республіці Казахстан: сучасний стан і перспективи розвитку
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У статті окреслено сучасний стан хореографічно-педагогічної освіти в Республіці Казахстан; висвітлено особливості підготовки майбутніх вчителів хореографії у вищих навчальних закладах Республіки Казахстан; визначено місце казахського народного танцю в загальному змісті освітніх програм із хореографії.
The article highlights the current state of choreographic and pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which includes the preservation of national traditions; dissemination of contemporary choreography; development, improvement and implementation of innovative methods in education and training of national personnel in the sphere of choreography. The particular preparation of future teachers of choreography in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is highlighted. The place of the Kazakh folk dance in the general content of the educational programs in choreography is given; the content of educational programs in specialty 5V040900 - Choreography, which includes general education, basic disciplines, majors and additional training that focuses on mandatory components, as well as the subjects chosen by the student is described. The prospects for the development and improvement of choreographic and pedagogical education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan include: the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching and the creative process; a free choice of them in accordance with the objectives, needs and circumstances related activities of the teacher and students in higher education, performing choreographic and pedagogical training; the development and implementation of the programs that would provide training masters and provides graduates academic master’s degree in choreography. And also, as a consequence of accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Bologna process, is promising: an increased access to European education; further improvement of the quality of education; the increase of the mobility of the students and teaching staff, through the adoption of a comparable system of tertiary education; an issuance of the graduates of Kazakh universities European Diploma Supplement.
The article highlights the current state of choreographic and pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which includes the preservation of national traditions; dissemination of contemporary choreography; development, improvement and implementation of innovative methods in education and training of national personnel in the sphere of choreography. The particular preparation of future teachers of choreography in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is highlighted. The place of the Kazakh folk dance in the general content of the educational programs in choreography is given; the content of educational programs in specialty 5V040900 - Choreography, which includes general education, basic disciplines, majors and additional training that focuses on mandatory components, as well as the subjects chosen by the student is described. The prospects for the development and improvement of choreographic and pedagogical education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan include: the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching and the creative process; a free choice of them in accordance with the objectives, needs and circumstances related activities of the teacher and students in higher education, performing choreographic and pedagogical training; the development and implementation of the programs that would provide training masters and provides graduates academic master’s degree in choreography. And also, as a consequence of accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Bologna process, is promising: an increased access to European education; further improvement of the quality of education; the increase of the mobility of the students and teaching staff, through the adoption of a comparable system of tertiary education; an issuance of the graduates of Kazakh universities European Diploma Supplement.
Ключові слова
пострадянський простір, Республіка Казахстан, хореографічно-педагогічна освіта, казахський народний танець, бакалавр хореографії, post-Soviet space, Republic of Kazakhstan, choreographic and pedagogical education, Kazakh folk dance, choreography bachelor
Бібліографічний опис
Єфіменко, Ю. В. Хореографічно-педагогічна освіта в Республіці Казахстан: сучасний стан і перспективи розвитку [Текст] / Ю. В. Єфіменко // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, О. В. Єременко, А. Єремус-Левандовська [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП «Мрія», 2014. – Вип. 1–2 (3–4). – С. 96–104.