Організаційні форми профорієнтаційної роботи в галузі хореографії: вітчизняний та зарубіжний досвід
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті порушено питання про визначення особливих форм
профорієнтаційної роботи за спеціальністю Хореографія з урахуванням
специфіки фахової діяльності хореографа. Процес профорієнтації в хореографічній сфері є полівекторним, оскільки ґрунтується на концепції фахових
напрямів діяльності хореографа в майбутньому. Висвітлено деякі аспекти
профорієнтаційної діяльності в хореографічно-освітньому просторі Китаю
та Америки, що ґрунтується на власному досвіді авторів статті.
The article presents the main organizational forms of career guidance activities of the departments and other education institutions, organizations of Ukraine, China, USA, carried out taking into account the specifics of the choreographer profession. The process of career guidance is presented as polyvector because it is based on professional directions of the activities of a choreographer in the future. The first vector is the choice of the profession of a choreographer; the second vector is the choice of a profession in choreography: the performing or teaching fields; the third vector career choices in the danceperforming-determination; the fourth vector the choice of a profession after studying at University and obtaining the corresponding qualifications. The leading principle, according to which the organizational forms of career guidance are the most effective, is the principle of the agonistic, that is, participation in the creative competitions held by the dance departments of the universities and other education institutions. Organizational forms implemented according to this principle are: contests, competitions, festivals, Olympiads. Other organizational forms in foreign countries and Ukraine are: attracting students to the presentations in the creative projects in collaboration with leading performers, choreographers; involvement in the concert projects of the universities, student groups, run by alumni, which creates the effect of continuity and crystallization of the professional community; organization of pedagogical practice of students-choreographers in extracurricular education institutions of various types; attendance of master classes and creation of conditions for creative exchange of experience between the groups for extracurricular activities.
The article presents the main organizational forms of career guidance activities of the departments and other education institutions, organizations of Ukraine, China, USA, carried out taking into account the specifics of the choreographer profession. The process of career guidance is presented as polyvector because it is based on professional directions of the activities of a choreographer in the future. The first vector is the choice of the profession of a choreographer; the second vector is the choice of a profession in choreography: the performing or teaching fields; the third vector career choices in the danceperforming-determination; the fourth vector the choice of a profession after studying at University and obtaining the corresponding qualifications. The leading principle, according to which the organizational forms of career guidance are the most effective, is the principle of the agonistic, that is, participation in the creative competitions held by the dance departments of the universities and other education institutions. Organizational forms implemented according to this principle are: contests, competitions, festivals, Olympiads. Other organizational forms in foreign countries and Ukraine are: attracting students to the presentations in the creative projects in collaboration with leading performers, choreographers; involvement in the concert projects of the universities, student groups, run by alumni, which creates the effect of continuity and crystallization of the professional community; organization of pedagogical practice of students-choreographers in extracurricular education institutions of various types; attendance of master classes and creation of conditions for creative exchange of experience between the groups for extracurricular activities.
Ключові слова
профорієнтація, професійне самовизначення, профорієнтаційна робота в галузі хореографії, принцип агоністики, career guidance, professional identity, professional work in the field of choreography, principle of agonistic
Бібліографічний опис
Реброва, О. Є. Організаційні форми профорієнтаційної роботи в галузі хореографії: вітчизняний та зарубіжний досвід [Текст] / О. Є. Реброва, В. М. Трощенко, Чень Сінь // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП «Мрія», 2016. – Вип. 1 (7). – С. 115–124.