Розробка моделі професійної компетентності інженера

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У статті розглядається проблема застосування компетентнісного підходу до підготовки інженерів. Наводяться результати дослідження, на підставі яких представлено паспорт, склад і структуру моделі професійної компетентності інженера в умовах навчання у вищому технічному навчальному закладі. Розроблено модель професійної компетентності інженера, що враховує особливості напрямів, змісту, видів і форм виробничої діяльності інженерно-технічних працівників та компоненти притаманні специфіці їх роботи. Розкрито сутність і специфіка навчальної роботи студентів в умовах виконання виробничих завдань і мотивації професійної орієнтації. Визначено фактори підвищення ефективності навчально-пізнавальної діяльності студентів.
The new paradigm of Ukrainian education requires improving training, professional development of deeply educated and competent person in the of sphere ofeducation. Modern industry requires an intelligent specialist willing to research, implement personal approach in designing own strategy of becoming a professional, capable to self-actualization, to acquire personal authority and status. Today there is a need for highly skilled professionals, who from the first steps would be well-versed in manufacturing technologies and systems, independently detects and analyzes information, efficiently utilizes the lessons learned for successful solving professional problems and issues. The level of quality of engineering education is an indicator of formation of professional competence of graduates. Simulating the content, types, forms of professional engineering work and creating a work environment is important to consider the nature and characteristics of a particular sector of direct activity of engineers and technical workers. The problem of utilizing the competence approach for training engineers is considered. The investigation of the results are brought on the basis of which the passport, the composition and structure of the model of professional competency of an engineer in the teaching conditions of a higher technical educational institution are offered. The model of an engineer’s professional competency is worked out, which takes into consideration the peculiarities of directions, contents, kinds and forms of the production activities of engineers and other technical workers and the components of their specific work. The essence and the specificity of academic work of students in conditions of fulfilment of production tasks and of motivation of professional orientation are exposed. The factors of the improvement of efficiency in the scientific-cognitive activities of the students are determined. The article states that the basis for the new content system of higher education is the formation of competencies as a result of professional achievement, mastery of a specialty. The competence synthesizes knowledge, relevant skills and abilities of a new type, which integrates an individual for training and professional activities, accumulating experience. There are several points of view on the professional competence of the expert: 1) an integrative concept that includes a set of components (mobility of knowledge, an alternative method of operations, critical thinking); 2) the system of the components (social, special, individual); 3) a set of components (training and core competencies); 4) the integrated knowledge, skills, abilities, etc.; 5) possession of knowledge in action, social and personal experience in a particular field of activity; 6) the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of a personality traits. However, at present, scientific development of an engineer’s model of professional competence for adequate formation of professionals in the training is insufficient. Updating the content and technology of higher education should be consistent with the requirements of the employers and the public demands of the creation of effective mechanisms for implementation of competence-based approach. The search for the implementation of competence-based approach to engineering education must take place in the context of scientific and pedagogical theory and practice on the basis of constructive-technological problems of production and the needs of society.
Ключові слова
модель професійної компетентності інженера, виробнича діяльність, формування компетенцій, службові обов’язки, model of professional competency of an engineer, production activity, forming of competencies, official duties
Бібліографічний опис
Нізовцев, А. В. Розробка моделі професійної компетентності інженера [Текст] / А. В. Нізовцев // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 243–255.