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Документ Managerial Competence of a Doctor: Content and Structure(СумДПУ імені А. С.Макаренка, 2023) Myskiv Maksym; Миськів МаксимThe article highlights the problem of a doctor’s managerial competence structuring. The aim of the article is as follows: to substantiate the content and structure of a doctor's managerial competence based on the study of scientific and pedagogical literature. The role and importance of managerial competence in the professional activity of a modern doctor is substantiated. An analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem, highlighting various aspects of doctor’s professional training (continuous professional development, professional image, professional competence formation, the content and technological aspects of professional training) was carried out. The article presents the results of a doctor’s professional activity analysis which substantiates the content and structure of a doctor’s managerial competence. It is concluded that a doctor’s managerial competence is a component of professional competence, which includes knowledge, abilities and skills, general human and professional values and attitudes, necessary for planning, organizing, motivating, coordinating, and regulating one’s own professional activity, aimed at ensuring high‐ quality medical services in cooperation with colleagues, continuous professional development and development of the profession, which is implemented in a constructive professional environment. Its structure comprises several components among which we distinguish deontological and motivational (interest and motivation, moral and ethical qualities of doctor’s personality and his professional and deontological values), cognitive and informational (knowledge of personnel management and effective use of its potential, monitoring of personnel productivity, promoting its further development, activity management, resources management, etc.), operational and functional (the ability to plan, organize, motivate, monitor, coordinate and regulate one’s own professional activities, the activities of personnel, establish and maintain constructive professional relationships, teamwork, management of resources, people, activities, introduce innovations and contribute to transformations in the field of health care, make informed decisions based on knowledge and evidence, to assess their impact at the individual, organizational, and system levels), personal and reflective (the ability to review, critically analyse and evaluate one’s own professional activity, professional environment, activity of a health care institution, focus on continuous professional development, the ability to self‐ analysis, reflection, self‐control, self‐improvement).