Кафедра математики, фізики та методик їх навчання
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Перегляд Кафедра математики, фізики та методик їх навчання за Автор "Budianskyi Dmytro Vasylovych"
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Документ The Use of Virtual Physics Laboratories in Professional Training: the Analysis of the Academic Achievements Dynamics(2020) Semenikhina Olena Volodymyrivna; Drushliak Maryna Hryhorivna; Yurchenko Artem Oleksandrovych; Udovychenko Olha Mykolaivna; Budianskyi Dmytro Vasylovych; Семеніхіна Олена Володимирівна; Друшляк Марина Григорівна; Юрченко Артем Олександрович; Удовиченко Ольга Миколаївна; Будянський Дмитро ВасильовичThe development of information technology cause the emergence of different classes of software such as virtual environment for various experiments. Among such a software, there are virtual physics laboratories that are means for educational, scientific and professional activities of physicists, physics teachers, computer science teachers and IT specialists. Numerous pedagogical findings confirm both positive dynamics and negative impact of such software on educational achievements. Given the ambiguity of the conclusions, we have formulated the problem: is it advisable to use virtual physics laboratories instead of relevant physics devices in the study of physics disciplines. The search for an answer to this question caused the organization and carrying out the pedagogical experiment, the results of which are presented in the article. Students of specialties “014 Secondary education (Physics)”, “014 Secondary education (Computer Science)”, “122 Computer science” were participants in the experiment. The purpose of the experiment was to study the dynamics of educational achievements of students whose training used virtual physics laboratories. Non-parametric sign test and Student’s test of comparison average values were used as methods of statistical analysis. Because of the experiment, the positive dynamics for all specialties were confirmed, but the largest dynamics were for the specialty 122 “Computer science”, and the smallest ones were for the specialty 014 “Secondary education (Physics)”. The best dynamics of results of IT students' achievements gives grounds to recommend to include more courses related to the study of information technologies in professional teachers’ training, because we consider this to be the cause of these results.Документ Риторична культура викладача математики вищої школи як основа сучасного академічного красномовства(2016) Будянський Дмитро Васильович; Budianskyi Dmytro Vasylovych; Друшляк Марина Григорівна; Drushliak Maryna HryhorivnaВ статті розкрито зміст поняття риторична культура викладача математики вищої школи, описано основні жанри сучасного академічного красномовства та особливості проблеми становлення риторичної особистості викладача математики.