Метарегуляція як чинник саморозвитку Homo sapiens: філософсько-антропологічні та філософсько-культурологічні виміри
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Накопичені в розвідках з проблем соціокультурної регуляції теорії та концепції слугують обґрунтуванню можливості утворення нового, перспективного напряму – дослідження сфери метарегуляції в екзистенційному, соціокультурному, соціоекологічному існуванні людини. Доводиться продуктивність використання у філософсько-антропологічному з’ясуванні метарегуляції методологічних уявлень про її синергійний, багаторівневий, флуктуаційний та біфуркаційний характер. Саме такій підхід дає можливість зрозуміти метарегулятивний механізм саморозвитку Homo Sapiens. Обґрунтовується поняття контррегуляції. Сформульовані завдання розробки типологизуючого підходу до вивчення системи метарегулятивів.
At the last decade in the field of philosophical-anthropological research has developed the new school of knowledge – the theory of social and cultural regulation of human activity. Now the theories and concepts, which was developed in studying of socio-cultural regulation, we use as the rationale basis of a new, promising concepts. This long-range promising concepts, according of our wiev, will be develop in the comprehensive research in the field of metaregulation of man activity. The metaregulation of man activity is the most important systems of moral norms, the basic ideological and behavioral principles, vital goals, ideas and ideals. There are the greate number of metaregulaters in the structure of the system of metaregulation. The metaregulaters in they content have the main programes or short algorithmes of man activity. The sisteme of metaregulation composed of number of metaregulaters. Metaregulaters are formed, evolve and operate in an existential, socio-cultural, ecological vital activity of man and socium. In the article proved the theoretical and practycal efficiency of use the methodological notions of synergistic, multi-level, fluctuation and bifurcation dispositions of metaregulatione. This approach provides an opportunity to understand the metaregulaters as the interior mechanism of self-development of Homo Sapiens. Proved the methodological approach, according to which the emergence of new metaregulaters are the result of individual creative activity of person. The metaregulaters is the base of tecnology of metaregulation of man activity. In the field of creation of new metaregulaters is manifesting a measure of human freedom. Especially productiv in the promotione to the freedom of man is the role of existential metaregulaters. At the same time metaregulaters are determinants of sapientification of person. In the historical develoupment of society the sapientification is not smoothly evolution. On the contrary, its determines of the concurrence of accidental and unforeseen circumstances. Alsow the author explained the concept of contraregulation. This concept indicates the ability of persone to develop contraregulatives – prorames of actyvite, the main functiones of which are to disclame, to reject, to repudiate the conventional metaregulaters. It was formulated the tasks of developing a method of theoreticall typology of the systems of metaregulation and the tipes of metaregulaters.
At the last decade in the field of philosophical-anthropological research has developed the new school of knowledge – the theory of social and cultural regulation of human activity. Now the theories and concepts, which was developed in studying of socio-cultural regulation, we use as the rationale basis of a new, promising concepts. This long-range promising concepts, according of our wiev, will be develop in the comprehensive research in the field of metaregulation of man activity. The metaregulation of man activity is the most important systems of moral norms, the basic ideological and behavioral principles, vital goals, ideas and ideals. There are the greate number of metaregulaters in the structure of the system of metaregulation. The metaregulaters in they content have the main programes or short algorithmes of man activity. The sisteme of metaregulation composed of number of metaregulaters. Metaregulaters are formed, evolve and operate in an existential, socio-cultural, ecological vital activity of man and socium. In the article proved the theoretical and practycal efficiency of use the methodological notions of synergistic, multi-level, fluctuation and bifurcation dispositions of metaregulatione. This approach provides an opportunity to understand the metaregulaters as the interior mechanism of self-development of Homo Sapiens. Proved the methodological approach, according to which the emergence of new metaregulaters are the result of individual creative activity of person. The metaregulaters is the base of tecnology of metaregulation of man activity. In the field of creation of new metaregulaters is manifesting a measure of human freedom. Especially productiv in the promotione to the freedom of man is the role of existential metaregulaters. At the same time metaregulaters are determinants of sapientification of person. In the historical develoupment of society the sapientification is not smoothly evolution. On the contrary, its determines of the concurrence of accidental and unforeseen circumstances. Alsow the author explained the concept of contraregulation. This concept indicates the ability of persone to develop contraregulatives – prorames of actyvite, the main functiones of which are to disclame, to reject, to repudiate the conventional metaregulaters. It was formulated the tasks of developing a method of theoreticall typology of the systems of metaregulation and the tipes of metaregulaters.
Ключові слова
метарегулятив, metaregulaters, метарегуляція, metaregulation, контррегуляція, counterregulation, формування людини, human development, саморозвиток людини, self-development of man, олюднення, humanization, алгоритми людської діяльності, algorithmes of human activities, цінності, values, смисли, meanings, переконання, beliefs
Бібліографічний опис
Щербина, А. М. Метарегуляція як чинник саморозвитку Homo sapiens: філософсько-антропологічні та філософсько-культурологічні виміри [Текст] / А. М. Щербина // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: Н. В. Кочубей, В. А. Косяк, Є. О. Лебідь та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 2 (12). – С. 140–152.