Никанор Онацький: біографічний нарис
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто основні віхи життєвого шляху Никанора
Харитоновича Онацького в дослідженнях освітніх діячів і науковців,
проведено аналіз відповідних архівних матеріалів, виконано періодизацію
життєдіяльності педагога-художника. Приділено увагу суспільнополітичним умовам в країні, на тлі яких відбувалося становлення
особистості педагога-просвітителя. Також розглянуто шлях навчання: від
сільської школи в Гадяцькому повіті до Імператорської Академії мистецтв у
Петербурзі, схарактеризовано періоди життєдіяльності митця.
The article analyzes educational research workers and scientists of life course Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky. The main factors were determined that contributed to the formation of the ideological position of teacher-artist. The main attention is given by author to the socio-political conditions in the country, against which was becoming a person of the teacher-educator. Chronologically traces the major milestones of the life and work of the teacher-artist, the peculiarities of education, described the period of study, established stages of educational activities: Lebedinskiy period (1906–1913) and Sumy period (1913– 1933). Also described arrests, denunciations brought excerpts from the interrogation and exact date of execution; processed and confirmed information published by scientists, researchers materials State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU DA) in Poltava region. Basic life N. Onatsky held in Slobozhanschyna and only the last tragic years (1933–1937) passed in Poltava. It was in Poltava, where Nicanor Kharytonovych tried to escape from persecution, there were three arrests and executions. For rigged affair November 23 he was shot by order of the top three in the management of the Extraordinary Commission of Internal Affairs (ECIA) in Poltava region. The indictment stated that he was "recruited Mayfetom in Poltava nationalist counter-revolutionary nationalist organization that trained personnel for the armed uprising in the country." In 1959, rehabilitated posthumously. Thus, N. Onatsky lived and worked in the historical context of the struggle for Ukrainian education and, of course, as a personality, indifferent to the fate of his country could not accept the idea of progressive intellectuals and not to engage in the process of improving Ukrainian culture and education. The author focuses on education and educational, cultural and local history of Nicanor Onatsky in the context of national culture and education in Slobozhanschyna. Therefore, the life, teaching and educational activities Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky held in the struggle for Ukrainian lumen, for national revival for improving Ukrainian culture and education in the difficult social and political change.
The article analyzes educational research workers and scientists of life course Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky. The main factors were determined that contributed to the formation of the ideological position of teacher-artist. The main attention is given by author to the socio-political conditions in the country, against which was becoming a person of the teacher-educator. Chronologically traces the major milestones of the life and work of the teacher-artist, the peculiarities of education, described the period of study, established stages of educational activities: Lebedinskiy period (1906–1913) and Sumy period (1913– 1933). Also described arrests, denunciations brought excerpts from the interrogation and exact date of execution; processed and confirmed information published by scientists, researchers materials State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU DA) in Poltava region. Basic life N. Onatsky held in Slobozhanschyna and only the last tragic years (1933–1937) passed in Poltava. It was in Poltava, where Nicanor Kharytonovych tried to escape from persecution, there were three arrests and executions. For rigged affair November 23 he was shot by order of the top three in the management of the Extraordinary Commission of Internal Affairs (ECIA) in Poltava region. The indictment stated that he was "recruited Mayfetom in Poltava nationalist counter-revolutionary nationalist organization that trained personnel for the armed uprising in the country." In 1959, rehabilitated posthumously. Thus, N. Onatsky lived and worked in the historical context of the struggle for Ukrainian education and, of course, as a personality, indifferent to the fate of his country could not accept the idea of progressive intellectuals and not to engage in the process of improving Ukrainian culture and education. The author focuses on education and educational, cultural and local history of Nicanor Onatsky in the context of national culture and education in Slobozhanschyna. Therefore, the life, teaching and educational activities Nicanor Kharytonovych Onatsky held in the struggle for Ukrainian lumen, for national revival for improving Ukrainian culture and education in the difficult social and political change.
Ключові слова
Никанор Онацький, суспільно-політичні умови, періоди життєдіяльності, особистість педагога-просвітителя, Nicanor Onatsky, sociopolitical environment, periods of vital activity, personality of the teacher and educator
Бібліографічний опис
Никифоров, А. М. Никанор Онацький: біографічний нарис [Текст] / А. М. Никифоров // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП «Мрія», 2016. – Вип. 1 (7). – С. 49–56.