Педагогічна майстерність академіка Любові Мацько
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У статті закцентована увага на складових педагогічної майстерності академіка НАПН України Любові Іванівни Мацько, зокрема, на мовній майстерності, самобутньому індивідуально-творчому стилі, наставництві. Доводиться, що авторська педагогічна діяльність Любові Іванівни Мацько дозволяє виховувати майбутніх учителів, здобувачів наукового ступеня як майстрів педагогічної дії в інноваційній освіті.
The article is focused on components academician of NAPS of Ukraine Lyubov Matsko’s pedagogical skills in particular on language skills, distinctive individual creative style, mentoring. It is summarized that her research considerations, prognostic ideas serve as theoretical and methodological foundation for research of pedagogical skills as expression of creative personality; and pedagogy, L. Matsko has enriched pedagogy, linguodidactics with considerable quantity of new axiological meanings of the teaching profession: intelligence, noble manners, spiritual elitism, openness to new knowledge and skills. Lyubov Matsko states that the components of pedagogical skills are professional and educational competence, language skills, distinctive individual creative style, mentoring, trustful professional and educational communication with pupils, students, undergraduates, postgraduate students, teachers, professors, colleagues-scientists, with all who seek to use the Ukrainian language resources efficiently. In the light of Lyubov Matsko’s research paradigm, pedagogical experience, and teaching skills some aspects/features of the teacher’s personality including language and literature teacher: intellectual elite, highly skilled specialist who has systematic knowledge, skills in linguistics, literature, psychology, pedagogy, and use modern methods of training and education effectively, are outlines. Lyubov Matsko determines an important component of personality, of teacher’s linguistic personality, along with value, philosophical, cultural, behavioral, etc.; she considers language skills as the personality ability to present his thoughts on the basis of linguistic standards, to choose the options most successful, accurate in semantic and stylistic ways. Language skill is based on spelling, punctuation literacy, stylistic expression and communicative expediency and optimality. It is proved that the author's pedagogical activity allows educating future teachers, applicants of academic degree as masters of pedagogical action in innovative education.
The article is focused on components academician of NAPS of Ukraine Lyubov Matsko’s pedagogical skills in particular on language skills, distinctive individual creative style, mentoring. It is summarized that her research considerations, prognostic ideas serve as theoretical and methodological foundation for research of pedagogical skills as expression of creative personality; and pedagogy, L. Matsko has enriched pedagogy, linguodidactics with considerable quantity of new axiological meanings of the teaching profession: intelligence, noble manners, spiritual elitism, openness to new knowledge and skills. Lyubov Matsko states that the components of pedagogical skills are professional and educational competence, language skills, distinctive individual creative style, mentoring, trustful professional and educational communication with pupils, students, undergraduates, postgraduate students, teachers, professors, colleagues-scientists, with all who seek to use the Ukrainian language resources efficiently. In the light of Lyubov Matsko’s research paradigm, pedagogical experience, and teaching skills some aspects/features of the teacher’s personality including language and literature teacher: intellectual elite, highly skilled specialist who has systematic knowledge, skills in linguistics, literature, psychology, pedagogy, and use modern methods of training and education effectively, are outlines. Lyubov Matsko determines an important component of personality, of teacher’s linguistic personality, along with value, philosophical, cultural, behavioral, etc.; she considers language skills as the personality ability to present his thoughts on the basis of linguistic standards, to choose the options most successful, accurate in semantic and stylistic ways. Language skill is based on spelling, punctuation literacy, stylistic expression and communicative expediency and optimality. It is proved that the author's pedagogical activity allows educating future teachers, applicants of academic degree as masters of pedagogical action in innovative education.
Ключові слова
педагогічна майстерність, мовна майстерність, педагогічна дія, особистість, учитель, Любов Мацько, pedagogical skills, language skills, pedagogical action, personality, teacher, Lyubov Matsko
Бібліографічний опис
Семеног, О. Педагогічна майстерність академіка Любові Мацько [Текст] / О. Семеног // Естетика і етика педагогічної дії : зб. наук. пр. / Інститут педагогічної освіти і освіти дорослих НАПН України. – Київ : НАПН України, 2013. – Вип. 5. – С. 88–99.