Професійно-мовленнєва підготовка майбутніх фахівців з документознавства в умовах університетської освіти: термінологічний і культурологічний компоненти
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті на основі аналізу довідникових джерел, узагальнення наукових джерел, педагогічного спостереження у ДВНЗ «Донбаський державний педагогічний університет» охарактеризовано окремі аспекти термінологічного та культурологічного компонентів професійно-мовленнєвої підготовки майбутніх документознавців в умовах університетської освіти.
Узагальнено, що мета термінологічного компонента підготовки полягає у формуванні умінь доцільно працювати з термінами відповідно до спеціальності, перекладати і використовувати у фаховому тексті зрозумілі й недвозначні терміни. Культурологічний підхід дозволяє розглядати професійно-мовленнєву підготовку майбутніх документознавців як сукупність культурних компонентів на широкому культурному фоні соціуму з урахуванням культурної ситуації.
Based on the analysis of reference and scientific sources, as well as pedagogical supervision of conducting classes with future specialists in the documentary profile in “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, are described some aspects of the terminological and cultural components of the vocational and communicative training of future document managers in the article. On the basis of generalization of scientific achievements and practical experience, the specifics of professional work of document managers are outlined and is reflected in the following areas: managerial, humanitarian-linguistic, computer-technological, legal, informational and analytical. It is determined on the basis of the analysis of educational and qualification characteristics that the document specialist is able to perform professional work in the following varieties: a document manager; archivist; manager in the field of information provision; an IT specialist. He can work in production and non-productive spheres, in enterprises of various industries, organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, commercial structures, in state and departmental archives. The document manager must be able to carry out analytical and synthetic processing of information; to make all kinds of service documents, possess models of business behavior and linguistic norms of service documents. Professional communication of document managers is a system of verbal and non-verbal means that provide effective communication in oral and written form in the appropriate environment. It is generalized that the purpose of the terminological component of vocational training of future document managers in the conditions of university education is to develop skills to work with terms in accordance with the specialty, translate and use in the professional text clear and unambiguous terms. Cultural approach allows to consider vocational training of future document managers as a set of cultural components on a wide cultural background of society, taking into account the cultural situation. For the philological analysis on documentary-linguistic and culturological disciplines classes it is offered to familiarize with the works of modern poet and active public figure Sergey Zhadan, who works in the genre of postmodernism.
Based on the analysis of reference and scientific sources, as well as pedagogical supervision of conducting classes with future specialists in the documentary profile in “Donbas State Pedagogical University”, are described some aspects of the terminological and cultural components of the vocational and communicative training of future document managers in the article. On the basis of generalization of scientific achievements and practical experience, the specifics of professional work of document managers are outlined and is reflected in the following areas: managerial, humanitarian-linguistic, computer-technological, legal, informational and analytical. It is determined on the basis of the analysis of educational and qualification characteristics that the document specialist is able to perform professional work in the following varieties: a document manager; archivist; manager in the field of information provision; an IT specialist. He can work in production and non-productive spheres, in enterprises of various industries, organizations, institutions of all forms of ownership, commercial structures, in state and departmental archives. The document manager must be able to carry out analytical and synthetic processing of information; to make all kinds of service documents, possess models of business behavior and linguistic norms of service documents. Professional communication of document managers is a system of verbal and non-verbal means that provide effective communication in oral and written form in the appropriate environment. It is generalized that the purpose of the terminological component of vocational training of future document managers in the conditions of university education is to develop skills to work with terms in accordance with the specialty, translate and use in the professional text clear and unambiguous terms. Cultural approach allows to consider vocational training of future document managers as a set of cultural components on a wide cultural background of society, taking into account the cultural situation. For the philological analysis on documentary-linguistic and culturological disciplines classes it is offered to familiarize with the works of modern poet and active public figure Sergey Zhadan, who works in the genre of postmodernism.
Ключові слова
документ, майбутній документознавець, університетська освіта, професійне мовлення, професійно-мовленнєва підготовка, професійно-мовленнєві уміння, термін, термінологічний компонент, культурологічний компонент, освітній процес, document, future document manager, university education, professional communication, vocational and communication training, vocational and communication skills, term, terminological component, culturological component, educational process
Бібліографічний опис
Семеног, О. М. Професійно-мовленнєва підготовка майбутніх фахівців з документознавства в умовах університетської освіти: термінологічний і культурологічний компоненти [Текст] / О. М. Семеног, А. Сьоміна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 5 (79). – С. 248–260.