Логіко-методологічна критика філософії свавілля
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Застосування поширеного в Україні грецького слова «пан», яким визначає господар самого себе, долає редукцію спрощення, поширену в гуманітарних науках, яка використовується для утворення сумарного об’єднання однорідних елементів у людину маси. Концепт Пана визначає локальну множину ознак людини як носія унікальних властивостей, що дозволяє утворювати різноманітні об’єднання людей у самоврядні громади, створювати суспільство та державу самоврядних громад.
The article mentions that cultivation of the concept «cracy» in European and other traditions (bureaucracy, democracy, etc.) is based on mistrust to people. This mistrust is realized in the idea to divide people into those who are worthy and those who are bad. This gives rights for the worthy to step out of line in relations with bad people. Application of widespread the Greek word «Pan» in Ukraine (which means the owner himself) overcomes reduction of simplification which is widespread in humanitarian sciences. It is used to form total association of homogeneous elements in a mass-person. The concept of Pan determines local plural signs of a person as the one holding unique properties. That notion allows to form unification of people in self-governing societies and create self-governing state. The characteristic feature of philosophy of self-will is the principle of «denial to denial», which is called the «law of dialectics» in Marxism. A famous example of this principle can be seen in M. Heidegger’s: «thinking is the desire not to have desires». Ontologically, the principle becomes a denial of philosophy as a way of implementing reflection’s method. Self-will makes existence of «eternal and immutable entit» impossible. This discovery was made by Descartes, it explains the fundamental recognition of human rights to doubt everything except the fact he or she has doubts. Otherwise people will be lifelong clients of psychiatrists and their external influence of tyranny will «govern the soul». The methodological sense of self-will is that it makes impossible to consider rational criticism as a constructive phenomenon. Considering the opposites in unity and struggle, we get the description of negative communication in the dominant system of elements, which determines its probable evolution. Rational criticism, which is used to perform a logical-methodological critique of the philosophy of tyranny, establishes a positive connection between itself and the things that are criticized. We can find a nice example of this in K. Popper’s works. He tries to find out methodological frameworks to design open public existence using the growth model, but not replacing the knowledge.
The article mentions that cultivation of the concept «cracy» in European and other traditions (bureaucracy, democracy, etc.) is based on mistrust to people. This mistrust is realized in the idea to divide people into those who are worthy and those who are bad. This gives rights for the worthy to step out of line in relations with bad people. Application of widespread the Greek word «Pan» in Ukraine (which means the owner himself) overcomes reduction of simplification which is widespread in humanitarian sciences. It is used to form total association of homogeneous elements in a mass-person. The concept of Pan determines local plural signs of a person as the one holding unique properties. That notion allows to form unification of people in self-governing societies and create self-governing state. The characteristic feature of philosophy of self-will is the principle of «denial to denial», which is called the «law of dialectics» in Marxism. A famous example of this principle can be seen in M. Heidegger’s: «thinking is the desire not to have desires». Ontologically, the principle becomes a denial of philosophy as a way of implementing reflection’s method. Self-will makes existence of «eternal and immutable entit» impossible. This discovery was made by Descartes, it explains the fundamental recognition of human rights to doubt everything except the fact he or she has doubts. Otherwise people will be lifelong clients of psychiatrists and their external influence of tyranny will «govern the soul». The methodological sense of self-will is that it makes impossible to consider rational criticism as a constructive phenomenon. Considering the opposites in unity and struggle, we get the description of negative communication in the dominant system of elements, which determines its probable evolution. Rational criticism, which is used to perform a logical-methodological critique of the philosophy of tyranny, establishes a positive connection between itself and the things that are criticized. We can find a nice example of this in K. Popper’s works. He tries to find out methodological frameworks to design open public existence using the growth model, but not replacing the knowledge.
Ключові слова
суверенітет, sovereignty, договір, agreement, довіра, trust, рівність, equality
Бібліографічний опис
Чуйко, В. Л. Логіко-методологічна критика філософії свавілля [Текст] / В. Л. Чуйко, В. І. Атаманчук-Ангел // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: Н. В. Кочубей, В. А. Косяк, Є. О. Лебідь та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 2 (12). – С. 63–71.