Мистецька освіта України другої половини ХVІ – середини ХVІІІ століть: формальні й неформальні ознаки
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлюються питання розвитку вітчизняної мистецької
освіти другої половини ХVІ – середини ХVІІІ століть з урахуванням нових
підходів сучасної педагогічної науки до функціонування різних видів
освітньої діяльності, що дозволило здійснювати дослідження, виокремивши
формальні та неформальні ознаки літературної, образотворчої, музичної,
хореографічної, театральної мистецької освіти. Наголошується на
переважанні неформальних ознак передачі досвіду мистецької діяльності від
одного покоління іншому та поступальному розвитку формальної
мистецької освіти на теренах України в означений історичний період.
The article has highlighted the development of national art education in the second half of the 16th – mid 18th centuries considering new modern approaches to pedagogy of the various types of educational activities; it has allowed to carry out research distinguishing features of formal and non-formal art education. It has been determined that art education during the mentioned period was ignored by the state, and the lack of specialized educational institutions determined its informal character. The importance and high efficiency of literature education, which had formal features and was provided by educational institutions at different levels (communal schools, academies) has been highlighted. The high level of literature education, which was characterized by non-formal features (private education, education at kobzar schools, sharing experiences of creating anonymous and author’s civil, political, lyrical, burlesque and travesty, humorous and satirical poetry) has been accented. Extremely high level of musical education, which was characterized by formality, as was provided by educational schools attached to the Orthodox Brotherhood, singers’ schools, higher educational institutions has been emphasized. Instrumental music education, which during the mentioned period was characterized by combination of formality and non-formality (provided in musical workshops, communal schools) has been highlighted. An important phase of the development of theatrical education of the end of the 16th – mid 18th centuries, which took place in the cells of school drama academies, brotherhood schools, colleges among artists-enthusiasts, has been outlined. It has been specified that dance art during the mentioned period was spread only through non-formal way. It has been stated that artistic component was included in the process of future teachers’ special training. The article focuses on the prevalence of nonformal artistic features of experience transfer from one generation to another and the evolution of formal art education in Ukraine in the late 16th – mid 18th centuries.
The article has highlighted the development of national art education in the second half of the 16th – mid 18th centuries considering new modern approaches to pedagogy of the various types of educational activities; it has allowed to carry out research distinguishing features of formal and non-formal art education. It has been determined that art education during the mentioned period was ignored by the state, and the lack of specialized educational institutions determined its informal character. The importance and high efficiency of literature education, which had formal features and was provided by educational institutions at different levels (communal schools, academies) has been highlighted. The high level of literature education, which was characterized by non-formal features (private education, education at kobzar schools, sharing experiences of creating anonymous and author’s civil, political, lyrical, burlesque and travesty, humorous and satirical poetry) has been accented. Extremely high level of musical education, which was characterized by formality, as was provided by educational schools attached to the Orthodox Brotherhood, singers’ schools, higher educational institutions has been emphasized. Instrumental music education, which during the mentioned period was characterized by combination of formality and non-formality (provided in musical workshops, communal schools) has been highlighted. An important phase of the development of theatrical education of the end of the 16th – mid 18th centuries, which took place in the cells of school drama academies, brotherhood schools, colleges among artists-enthusiasts, has been outlined. It has been specified that dance art during the mentioned period was spread only through non-formal way. It has been stated that artistic component was included in the process of future teachers’ special training. The article focuses on the prevalence of nonformal artistic features of experience transfer from one generation to another and the evolution of formal art education in Ukraine in the late 16th – mid 18th centuries.
Ключові слова
мистецька освіта, формальні й неформальні ознаки мистецької освіти, мистецтво, artistic education, formal and non-formal art education signs, art
Бібліографічний опис
Сулаєва, Н. В. Мистецька освіта України другої половини ХVІ – середини ХVІІІ століть: формальні й неформальні ознаки [Текст] / Н. В. Сулаєва, М. П. Лещенко // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП "Мрія", 2015. – Вип. 1–2 (5–6). – С. 75–85.