Формування методологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в контексті акмеологічного підходу
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ФОП Цьома С. П.
Стаття спрямована на вирішення актуальної проблеми мистецької освіти – обґрунтування теоретичних аспектів формування методологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в контексті акмеологічного підходу. Проаналізовано науково-теоретичну думку щодо виявлення сутності понять «методологічна компетентність», «акмеологічний підхід». Визначено принципи формування методологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва на основі реалізації акмеологічного підходу: зацікавленості та спрямованості на досягнення високого рівня методологічної компетентності, дискурсивності, науково-творчої ініціативи, єдності наукових і мистецьких досягнень.
The article deals with the actual problem of music-pedagogical education – formation of methodological competence offuture musical art teachers in the concept of an acmeological approach. The need to solve it is due to the importance of developing the ability of future musical art teachers to think independently, to master research activity and scientific methods for solving the problems of students ’ music education and upbringing. Therefore, formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers should be carried out in the concept of acmeological approach, the basis of which is achievement of the highest level of development of the personal and professional qualities of a specialist. The aim of the article is theoretical substantiation of the formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach. In order to achieve it, such research methods have been used as: theoretical analysis of scientific works to identify the essence of the concepts of “methodological competence ", “acmeological approach "; generalization for determining the principles of forming methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach; forecasting to identify the prospects of the study. Based on the analysis of various points of view of the scientists, it is concluded that methodological competence of a musical art teacher is a systemic, dynamic, personal entity, which is based on a system of methodological competences in the field of music education. The acmeological approach is considered by us as a scientific research method aimed at formation, development and implementation of human acme-qualities, stimulating achievement of the highest degree of scientific, professional and personal acme. In the process of research, it is found out that peculiarities of formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach include: focus of the musical-educational process on the scientific, professional, personal development of students, their achievement of the highest creative results; use in the content of musical disciplines of scientific-theoretical experience of the humanities; training for a high-level implementation of various types of research, including qualification work, in the field of music education. Formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach is carried out on the basis of such principles: interest and focus on achieving a high level of methodological competence, discourseness, scientific-creative initiative, unity of scientific achievements and musical skills. The prospects for research include identification of pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ methodological competence.
The article deals with the actual problem of music-pedagogical education – formation of methodological competence offuture musical art teachers in the concept of an acmeological approach. The need to solve it is due to the importance of developing the ability of future musical art teachers to think independently, to master research activity and scientific methods for solving the problems of students ’ music education and upbringing. Therefore, formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers should be carried out in the concept of acmeological approach, the basis of which is achievement of the highest level of development of the personal and professional qualities of a specialist. The aim of the article is theoretical substantiation of the formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach. In order to achieve it, such research methods have been used as: theoretical analysis of scientific works to identify the essence of the concepts of “methodological competence ", “acmeological approach "; generalization for determining the principles of forming methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach; forecasting to identify the prospects of the study. Based on the analysis of various points of view of the scientists, it is concluded that methodological competence of a musical art teacher is a systemic, dynamic, personal entity, which is based on a system of methodological competences in the field of music education. The acmeological approach is considered by us as a scientific research method aimed at formation, development and implementation of human acme-qualities, stimulating achievement of the highest degree of scientific, professional and personal acme. In the process of research, it is found out that peculiarities of formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach include: focus of the musical-educational process on the scientific, professional, personal development of students, their achievement of the highest creative results; use in the content of musical disciplines of scientific-theoretical experience of the humanities; training for a high-level implementation of various types of research, including qualification work, in the field of music education. Formation of methodological competence of future musical art teachers in the concept of acmeological approach is carried out on the basis of such principles: interest and focus on achieving a high level of methodological competence, discourseness, scientific-creative initiative, unity of scientific achievements and musical skills. The prospects for research include identification of pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ methodological competence.
Ключові слова
акмеологічний підхід, акмеологія, методологічна діяльність, методологічна компетентність, методологія музичної освіти, мистецька освіта, музична освіта, учитель музичного мистецтва, acmeological approach, acmeology, methodological activity, methodological competence, methodology of music education, music education, art education, musical art teacher
Бібліографічний опис
Лі Цюань Формування методологічної компетентності майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в контексті акмеологічного підходу [Текст] / Лі Цюань // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : наукове видання / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюга, Н. П. Гуральник та ін.]. – Суми : [ФОП Цьома С. П.], 2018. – Вип. 2 (12). – С. 80–88.