Аналіз дослідження проблеми розвитку творчих здібностей: теоретичний аспект
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті здійснено теоретичний аналіз наукових джерел та
уточнено сутність поняття: «творчі здібності» як стійкі індивідуальнопсихологічні властивості особистості, що є необхідною внутрішньою
умовою її успішної діяльності. Розглянуто спеціальні здібності вчителів,
зокрема: біології, математики, хімії, вчителя-філолога, перцептивні
здібності студентів технологічних університетів і творчі здібності
майбутніх учителів мистецьких дисциплін. Автор виокремив основні
структурні елементи творчих здібностей студентів зазначених
The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of development of the creative abilities of the students. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific literature it is found out that the ability is a stable individual psychological trait of a personality which is a necessary condition for success activity. The psychological and pedagogical analysis of the problem of development of the creative abilities of primary school pupils is done. It has been found out that musical creative development of younger students is oriented by pedagogical process in which a set of didactic conditions provides the integrity of an individual, the complementarity of three main structural components of the spiritual sphere. The author of the article has analyzed the choreography abilities of children of primary school age, which are defined as a complex multi-level formation structure which consists of the following components: intellectual creativity potential, musical motor capabilities and a complex of motivational and personal qualities. The problem of development of the creative abilities in the context of professional training of future teachers in high school was studied. The constituent components of the mathematical abilities of the students were found, the creative abilities of the students of higher technical colleges were analyzed. The development of the creative abilities of the students in the process of learning English the author considers as a prerequisite condition for successful socialization and professional development. In the presented scientific research the creativity abilities and structural components of future teachers of music, fine art and choreography are analyzed. On the basis on the analysis of scientific literature it is found out that the creative abilities of future teachers of fine arts are an important factor of art Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання, 2015. – Вип. 1-2 (5-6) 13 pedagogical activity, function as an individual trait of a personality that affects the perception and evaluation of aesthetic phenomena. In the structure of the creative abilities of the future teacher of music the following components are stressed: motivational-educational, technological, regulatory, creative-activity. The author defines the creative abilities of the future teachers of choreography as a kind of special abilities that are related to the success of an individual in the sphere of choreography. The structural components of the creative abilities of future teachers of choreography are: common abilities and proper choreographic abilities that define successful professional activity. However, this structure includes personal characteristics of an individual and attitude to the choreographic art. The study does not cover all aspects of the problems. Further analysis demands studying the pedagogical conditions of development of individual creative abilities of students choreographers in the higher pedagogical educational institutions.
The article is devoted to the study of the actual problem of development of the creative abilities of the students. On the basis of the analysis of the scientific literature it is found out that the ability is a stable individual psychological trait of a personality which is a necessary condition for success activity. The psychological and pedagogical analysis of the problem of development of the creative abilities of primary school pupils is done. It has been found out that musical creative development of younger students is oriented by pedagogical process in which a set of didactic conditions provides the integrity of an individual, the complementarity of three main structural components of the spiritual sphere. The author of the article has analyzed the choreography abilities of children of primary school age, which are defined as a complex multi-level formation structure which consists of the following components: intellectual creativity potential, musical motor capabilities and a complex of motivational and personal qualities. The problem of development of the creative abilities in the context of professional training of future teachers in high school was studied. The constituent components of the mathematical abilities of the students were found, the creative abilities of the students of higher technical colleges were analyzed. The development of the creative abilities of the students in the process of learning English the author considers as a prerequisite condition for successful socialization and professional development. In the presented scientific research the creativity abilities and structural components of future teachers of music, fine art and choreography are analyzed. On the basis on the analysis of scientific literature it is found out that the creative abilities of future teachers of fine arts are an important factor of art Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання, 2015. – Вип. 1-2 (5-6) 13 pedagogical activity, function as an individual trait of a personality that affects the perception and evaluation of aesthetic phenomena. In the structure of the creative abilities of the future teacher of music the following components are stressed: motivational-educational, technological, regulatory, creative-activity. The author defines the creative abilities of the future teachers of choreography as a kind of special abilities that are related to the success of an individual in the sphere of choreography. The structural components of the creative abilities of future teachers of choreography are: common abilities and proper choreographic abilities that define successful professional activity. However, this structure includes personal characteristics of an individual and attitude to the choreographic art. The study does not cover all aspects of the problems. Further analysis demands studying the pedagogical conditions of development of individual creative abilities of students choreographers in the higher pedagogical educational institutions.
Ключові слова
творчі здібності учнів, майбутні вчителі музики, хореографії, спеціальні здібності, математичні здібності, музичнотворчий розвиток молодших школярів, структурні компоненти творчих здібностей, creativity, future music teachers, future teachers of choreography, mathematical abilities, musical-creative development of junior schoolchildren, structural components of abilities
Бібліографічний опис
Бикова, О. В. Аналіз дослідження проблеми розвитку творчих здібностей: теоретичний аспект [Текст] / О. В. Бикова // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ВВП "Мрія", 2015. – Вип. 1–2 (5–6). – С. 3–13.