Інтеграційні процеси: особливості реалізації в хореографічній освіті
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Актуалізовано проблему інтеграційних процесів у хореографічній
освіті. Підкреслюється необхідність забезпечення такого характеру
хореографічної підготовки студентів, коли опанування хореографічного
мистецтва опосередковується пізнанням інших різновидів мистецтва.
З’ясовано, що ізольоване, відокремлене навчання хореографії має посту
питися місцем спрямуванню пізнання на осягнення узагальнених закономір
ностей мистецтва та їх відображення в хореографічному. Схарактери
зовано специфіку реалізації інтеграційних процесів у хореографічній освіті,
яка полягає в тому, що художній образ танцювальної композиції
розкривається через пластику людського тіла засобами танцювальної
виразності, своєрідними пластичними рухами виконавця тощо.
The article highlights the peculiarities of realization of integration processes in choreography education. It is proved that integration processes in education occur mostly at the application level, which is manifested in the purposeful unification (synthesis) of certain subjects in the purposeful independent educational systems, aimed at ensuring the integrity of knowledge and skills. The results of this work provide an opportunity to formulate a conclusion about the necessity and timeliness of consideration of the problems of ensuring the integration processes in choreography education and allow highlighting a number of questions regarding clarification of specific features of implementation of defined processes during choreography training. It is stressed that the possibility of integration approaches in the choreographic art students’ training is determined by the ultimate goal of a specialist of choreographic-pedagogical profile, the achievement of which depends on the quality of application of special and pedagogical knowledge. The system of training of pedagogical orientation is provided by the integration of special and pedagogical knowledge. Hence, implementation of integration processes is essential in the implementation of pedagogical orientation of special disciplines. In addition, a focused study of the content of choreographic disciplines proves the possibility of assimilation of consolidation unity of pedagogical and special knowledge within a certain academic discipline. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that this publication has not discussed the whole range of issues in the context of the chosen topic. Further researches should be directed at the issue of technological and methodological support of implementation of integration approaches in the training of students choreographers, the ways to ensure the relations of style laws in creating choreographic images towards the development of artistic perception.
The article highlights the peculiarities of realization of integration processes in choreography education. It is proved that integration processes in education occur mostly at the application level, which is manifested in the purposeful unification (synthesis) of certain subjects in the purposeful independent educational systems, aimed at ensuring the integrity of knowledge and skills. The results of this work provide an opportunity to formulate a conclusion about the necessity and timeliness of consideration of the problems of ensuring the integration processes in choreography education and allow highlighting a number of questions regarding clarification of specific features of implementation of defined processes during choreography training. It is stressed that the possibility of integration approaches in the choreographic art students’ training is determined by the ultimate goal of a specialist of choreographic-pedagogical profile, the achievement of which depends on the quality of application of special and pedagogical knowledge. The system of training of pedagogical orientation is provided by the integration of special and pedagogical knowledge. Hence, implementation of integration processes is essential in the implementation of pedagogical orientation of special disciplines. In addition, a focused study of the content of choreographic disciplines proves the possibility of assimilation of consolidation unity of pedagogical and special knowledge within a certain academic discipline. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that this publication has not discussed the whole range of issues in the context of the chosen topic. Further researches should be directed at the issue of technological and methodological support of implementation of integration approaches in the training of students choreographers, the ways to ensure the relations of style laws in creating choreographic images towards the development of artistic perception.
Ключові слова
інтеграція, інтеграційні процеси, хореографічна освіта, студенти-хореографи, integration, integration processes, choreographic education, students-choreographers
Бібліографічний опис
Єременко, О. В. Інтеграційні процеси: особливості реалізації в хореографічній освіті [Текст] / О. В. Єременко // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, А. Валюха, Н. П. Гуральник [та ін.]. – Суми : ФОП Цьома С. П., 2016. – Вип. 2 (8). – С. 3–12.