Теоретичні знання в постіндустріальних суспільствах: прогнози і реальність
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Метою роботи є визначення ряду соціально-економічних обставин, що обумовлюють реальний стан справ з потребою в теоретичних знаннях і особливістю їх використання в постіндустріальних суспільствах. Автором використовуються прийоми системного і методологічного підходів. Підкреслюється помилковість уявлення, що наука в постіндустріальної системі є рушійною силою її розвитку. Окремо розглядається питання про значення науки для технологічних новацій. Використовуються дані, отримані в рамках проекту «Хіндсайт».
The title of the work reflects the original installation of the author regarding the fact that the postindustrial society in the understanding of D. Bell, A. Toffler, Y. Masuda, Z. Brzezinski never took place. This applies, in particular, to the idea of theoretical scientific knowledge as the determining condition for its existence. The purpose of the paper is to identify a number of socio-economic circumstances that determine the real state of affairs with the need for theoretical knowledge and the peculiarities of their use in postindustrial societies. To characterize the modern socio-economic innovation system, the expression «society based on knowledge» is used in the work. At the same time, the erroneous idea that science in this system is the driving force of its development is emphasized. A knowledge-based economy should be considered such a factor. It forms a demand for the nature of the knowledge consumed. It analyzes the belief that is widespread among experts that the result of the functioning of such economy is high-tech products. The author emphasizes that entire sectors of the new economy are a speculative-manipulative industry for the production of goods. In such system, value is determined not by the real consumer properties of the goods, but by symbolic. They arise not as a result of processing things, but by affecting the consumerʼs consciousness. In this case, to speak about high-tech products would be a mistake. In this regard, the theory of the Japanese scientist T. Sakaiya about society, which based on the values created by knowledge (knowledge-value society), is considered. The issue of the importance of science for technology is separately considered. The assertion is erroneous that technological developments must certainly be preceded by the results of basic research. Often, technological innovations result from the use of previous advances in technology itself. As an argument, the data obtained in the framework of the Hindsight project is used.
The title of the work reflects the original installation of the author regarding the fact that the postindustrial society in the understanding of D. Bell, A. Toffler, Y. Masuda, Z. Brzezinski never took place. This applies, in particular, to the idea of theoretical scientific knowledge as the determining condition for its existence. The purpose of the paper is to identify a number of socio-economic circumstances that determine the real state of affairs with the need for theoretical knowledge and the peculiarities of their use in postindustrial societies. To characterize the modern socio-economic innovation system, the expression «society based on knowledge» is used in the work. At the same time, the erroneous idea that science in this system is the driving force of its development is emphasized. A knowledge-based economy should be considered such a factor. It forms a demand for the nature of the knowledge consumed. It analyzes the belief that is widespread among experts that the result of the functioning of such economy is high-tech products. The author emphasizes that entire sectors of the new economy are a speculative-manipulative industry for the production of goods. In such system, value is determined not by the real consumer properties of the goods, but by symbolic. They arise not as a result of processing things, but by affecting the consumerʼs consciousness. In this case, to speak about high-tech products would be a mistake. In this regard, the theory of the Japanese scientist T. Sakaiya about society, which based on the values created by knowledge (knowledge-value society), is considered. The issue of the importance of science for technology is separately considered. The assertion is erroneous that technological developments must certainly be preceded by the results of basic research. Often, technological innovations result from the use of previous advances in technology itself. As an argument, the data obtained in the framework of the Hindsight project is used.
Ключові слова
постіндустріальні суспільства, теоретичні знання, технологія, заснована на знаннях економіка, наукоємність, прогноз, маніпуляція, postindustrial societies, theoretical knowledge, technology, knowledge-based economy, technology, forecast, manipulation
Бібліографічний опис
Ведмедєв, М. М. Теоретичні знання в постіндустріальних суспільствах: прогнози і реальність [Текст] / М. М. Ведмедєв // Філософія науки: традиції та інновації : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: М. М. Ведмедєв, В. С. Бугрій, І. О. Снегірьов та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 1 (19). – С. 3–12.