Концептуальні аспекти підготовки магістрів музичного мистецтва
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У публікації висвітлено теоретико-методологічні основи підготовки магістрів музичного мистецтва в педагогічних університетах. Розкрито сутність і проаналізовано теоретичні підходи до підготовки фахівців із музичного мистецтва. Підкреслюється, що підготовка магістрів музичного мистецтва ґрунтується на теоретичних ідеях щодо національної парадигми підготовки фахівців із музичного мистецтва, гуманістичної основи музичного навчання, аксіологічних підходів до навчання музикантів-педагогів, екзистенційно-емоційного напряму мистецького навчання та його акмеологічної спрямованості, а також прогностичних орієнтирів фахової підготовки. Обґрунтовано провідні узагальнені позиції щодо визначеної ролі консолідаційного підходу як теоретичної основи означеної підготовки.
The theoretical and methodological foundations of music masters teaching universities are highlighted in the article. The essence and theoretical approaches to music training are analyzed. The author underlines that training of music masters based on theoretical ideas about the national paradigm of music training, humanistic foundations of music education, axiological approaches to teaching musicians, teachers, existential-emotional learning and artistic direction of its acmeological orientation and also prognostic guidance of professional training. National training paradigm of art provides socialization of future professionals assimilation of national and universal culture includes the development of their value orientations toward mastery of the national culture and application artistic knowledge in the classroom, along with the works of world art, national music. The development of national culture is interpreted as a process of equilibration, the relationship of human and national values, traditions and values. The humanistic basis for music education forms valuable attitude to art, teaching and research activities, their ability to experience deep human values, implementation artistic images and adequate assessment of artistic achievement in music interpretation, the effects of teaching and research outcomes research. Axiological approaches to teaching musicians are considered in the context of their spiritual culture. Existential and emotional art direction learning involves providing emotional intensity of the educational process in the magistrates of musical and pedagogical orientation. In the future we need active professional experience of artistic phenomena in musical and educational activities. Acmeological orientation training involves orientation of teaching and learning, evaluative, interpretative and creative-productive activity undergraduates to achieve excellence in musical performance and educational work and effectiveness in scientific research. Forward orientation training in musical pedagogy used by us in accordance with the new requirements of education towards personal and social revitalization approach, the essence of which is to provide professional self-realization of the individual as a member of civil society in Ukraine. Generalized leading positions on certain roles consolidation approach as a theoretical framework definite training are provided in the article.
The theoretical and methodological foundations of music masters teaching universities are highlighted in the article. The essence and theoretical approaches to music training are analyzed. The author underlines that training of music masters based on theoretical ideas about the national paradigm of music training, humanistic foundations of music education, axiological approaches to teaching musicians, teachers, existential-emotional learning and artistic direction of its acmeological orientation and also prognostic guidance of professional training. National training paradigm of art provides socialization of future professionals assimilation of national and universal culture includes the development of their value orientations toward mastery of the national culture and application artistic knowledge in the classroom, along with the works of world art, national music. The development of national culture is interpreted as a process of equilibration, the relationship of human and national values, traditions and values. The humanistic basis for music education forms valuable attitude to art, teaching and research activities, their ability to experience deep human values, implementation artistic images and adequate assessment of artistic achievement in music interpretation, the effects of teaching and research outcomes research. Axiological approaches to teaching musicians are considered in the context of their spiritual culture. Existential and emotional art direction learning involves providing emotional intensity of the educational process in the magistrates of musical and pedagogical orientation. In the future we need active professional experience of artistic phenomena in musical and educational activities. Acmeological orientation training involves orientation of teaching and learning, evaluative, interpretative and creative-productive activity undergraduates to achieve excellence in musical performance and educational work and effectiveness in scientific research. Forward orientation training in musical pedagogy used by us in accordance with the new requirements of education towards personal and social revitalization approach, the essence of which is to provide professional self-realization of the individual as a member of civil society in Ukraine. Generalized leading positions on certain roles consolidation approach as a theoretical framework definite training are provided in the article.
Ключові слова
магістри музичного мистецтва, консолідаційний підхід, музично-фаховий, педагогічно-практичний,, науково-дослідницький напрями підготовки, music masters, consolidation approach, musical and professional, pedagogical and practical, scientific and research areas of training
Бібліографічний опис
Єременко, О. В. Концептуальні аспекти підготовки магістрів музичного мистецтва [Текст] / О. В. Єременко // Актуальні питання мистецької освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: Г. Ю. Ніколаї, О. В. Єременко, А. Єремус-Левандовська [та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – Вип. 1 (1). – С. 18–28.